Posted on 05/24/2010 3:02:22 PM PDT by Bad~Rodeo
Uncouth President Calderon wore out his welcome
Mexico's President Felipe Calderon ought to know a lot about illegal immigrant abuse. His country has one of the worst migrant human-rights records in the world.
During his state visit last week, Mr. Calderon repeatedly - and with support and encouragement from the White House and congressional Democrats - made his opinions known on a variety of American domestic issues, including immigration and gun control. He took particular aim at Arizona's new law concerning illegal aliens, absurdly describing it as "violating the human rights of all people."
Criticism from Mexico on immigration issues is nothing new, but rarely has it been so bold, and such salvos have never been launched from U.S. soil. It might be considered bad manners except for the fact that the foreign leader was promoting President Obama's domestic agenda.
Boiled down in simplest terms, it is hypocritical for Mr. Calderon to criticize Arizona's law when his country has similar or more severe statutes. Article 67 of Mexico's Population Law mirrors Arizona's law by requiring federal, state and municipal officials to "demand that foreigners prove their legal presence in the country, before attending to any [other] issues." Mexico's constitution gives the president authority to summarily expel both legal and illegal aliens without due process. When CNN's Wolf Blitzer confronted the Mexican president with some of these contradictions, Mr. Calderon was oblivious to the double standard. Asked about Mexico's policy for dealing with illegals sneaking in from Central America looking for work, Mr. Calderon quipped, "If somebody [does] that without permission, we send [them] back." If only Mr. Obama had such enlightened views.
Illegals in Mexico are lucky if deportation is all that happens to them. An April 2010 report from Amnesty International entitled
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
How the hell is he a dual citizen of Mexico and the US? Is that even legal?
That actually happened to my town. It cost the taxpayers 3.5 million.
He sends criminals over the border. We could let the Mexicans come and go as they please if we could take over Mexico. Fair is Fair. The land and resources comes with the people so we don’t get overpopulated and so we can afford to educate everyone.
He doesn't want them to have the same chance to steal the American dream that illegal Mexicans want for themselves.
It isn’t stealing a dream, he supports reconquista of land that Mexico once held.
A subtle reminder would be to tell him that once upon a time Tejas held all of the land down to Mexico City.
The Mexican military continues to cross over the Texas border and our side is ordered to stand down.
It is a full fledged military invasion (they escort drug smugglers in full uniform and with military vehicles).
Some day there will be a border war as there is in Belieze and elsewhere.
His government is corrupt. He's a crook. Mexicans don't need to come to the USA to find work, the richest man in the world lives in Mexico.
Our country used to not recognize dual citizenship.
And they eased off for those who claimed dual citizenship by birth.
Now they don't give a sh** when immigrants come here, take the loyalty oath, and then still hold their HOME coutnry status.
Peter Jennings was one such crook. I suspect he became an American after 20 years because he wanted to vote Boosh out of office.
Barack Hussein Obama may have once held dual citizeship. Unconstitutional as that would be, we are told to “shut up already” rather than investigate the matter.
By birthright of his father and by adoption by his stepfather, he may not be “American”.
LEGAL non-citizen visitors to Mexico are prohibited from owning land there.
LEGAL non-citizen visitors to Mexico are prohibited from protesting there.
The Mexican government is corrupt. Rotten to the core. They encourage their fifth column citizens to work here, vote here AND at home, and to wire their checks home (billions of dollars annually taking it out of our economy) and then draw welfare here (on our tax dollar).
Sedition is not protected speech.
Nice contribution to the discussion-—thank you.
Barry Soetoro.
THE SAGA OF PEDRO The invaders ride the US gravy train using several identities. An illegal alien w/ wife and five children violates our borders. He gets a job mowing loans for $5.00 or 6.00/hour. At that low wage, with six dependents, he pays no income tax, so each year, he files an Income Tax Return to get "EITC---earned income credit" of up to $3,200 scot-free.
He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent. He qualifies for food stamps and no deductible, no co-pay free health care. His children get free school breakfasts and lunches. The kids qualify for monthly SSI checks by faking ADD; the illegal and his wife get SSI by faking being aged, blind or disabled; SSI qualifies them for Medicare.
Plus illegals don't have to worry about pricey items like car insurance, life insurance, or homeowners insurance, and they qualify for relief from high energy bills.
ALL OF THAT IS COLLECTED WITH JUST ONE IDENTITY Evidence shows illegals establish several identities with phony SS nos and fake documents (which these "poor immigrants" buy from document brokers for several thousand dollars). And desperate Dems know that all those identities vote and vote and vote, too.
DON'T HAVE TO WAIT FOR OBAMACARE It is presently against the law to refuse healthcare to illegals. Illegal aliens actually bump US citizens for healthcare. Mexico, the country that is the staging area for illegal invasions, has long-promoted Americas generous public health centers. Mexico operates Ventanillas de Salud---a Spanish-language program---in about 12 US cities that refers its nationals on US soil illegally---to clinics where they can get free medical care without being turned over to immigration authorities.
THE LATEST SCAM Third World govts are coaching its citizens to pour into the US claiming "Political Asylum" from drug wars. Some of these whiners are wealthy people, squatting on US soil, intent on draining the US treasury. These govt's create new classes of "Political Asylum" seekers.
THE RIPOFF UP CLOSE These govts know Social Security provides outrageous government financial aid to "Political Asylum Seekers." These people never paid a dime into the SS system; yet, they can collect seven years straight, and get extended payments b/c pols are suking up to them for votes. The SS checks can amount to $1000 a month, and more. The category was created for those coming from eastern Europe and other Soviet satellite countries circa WW II....and they're STILL collecting.......connivers draining the US Treasury.
QUOTING FORMER CONG TOM TANCREDO (R-Colo) Juan Hernandez headed up the Mexican govt agency, "Ministry of Mexicans Living in the United States. Hernandez is a dual citizen of the United States and Mexico, and a good friend of then-presidents Bush and Mexico's Vicente Fox." Hernandez was presidential candidate John McCain's Hispanic outreach man.
Hernandez explained to Cong Tancredo the purpose of the Mexican government agency: Ministry of Mexicans Living in the United States:
(1) to increase the flow of Mexican nationals to the United States.....
(2) to direct Mexican nationals in the US to serve Mexicos needs (like reconquista);
(3) to increase US remittances to Mexico of $50 billion a year (30% of the Mexican GDP);
(4) to get US jobs for an exploding Mexican population, alleviating Mexico's social instability due to rising unemployment;
(5) to get free US training for Mexicans, who are expected to return and repatriate those skills back to Mexico.
Hernandez, a dual citizen who resides in Fort Worth, supports amnesty: "By populating the United States with millions of Hispanics tied economically, politically and linguistically to Mexico, we are able to exert enormous influence and pressure on US policy and its dealings with Mexico."
NOTE: " Exerting enormous influence and pressure on US policy and its dealings with Mexico" means extorting billions of US tax dollars to subsidize corrupt Third World federales.
The billions of dollars being wired across the border prove that they aren’t so needy. If they can afford to wire $60 a month home, they can go HOME and live there.
our country is under siege. what are we going to do about it ??
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