Utterly false. Police are trained to shoot at center-mass (chest), and keep shooting until the perp is no longer a threat. In a practical sense, if the perp drops his weapon, then no shot need be fired. If the perp does not, then they will empty the magazine into him, reload, and re-assess.
>>Utterly false. Police are trained to shoot at center-mass (chest), and keep shooting until the perp is no longer a threat. In a practical sense, if the perp drops his weapon, then no shot need be fired. If the perp does not, then they will empty the magazine into him, reload, and re-assess.<<
This is a rather strange BANG thread. I put my then-BIL through POST and was the one doing the testing of him from the manual. I know as almost much about POST as almost any in-service officer (again, from the BOOKS — I would NEVER suggest I know what real cops know!)
I am not sure why people here don’t know Rule #2 — everyone who owns or has even handled a firearm knows it. Rules #1 (assume it is loaded for those who don’t know) and #2 (assume you will destroy what you are aiming at) are the very first thing one learns, even as a Boy Scout.