Of course. It all makes perfect sense. Creating a bureaucratic agency to track how much Joe Citizen has in his personal bank account will DEFINITELY keep the Wall Street fat cats from doing shady deals. Yeah, that’s it.
Most commentaries are leaving something very important about this bill.
Am I correct in understanding from some other articles that the Consumer Protection Bureau is to be completely housed within the Fed Reserve System via the US Treasury, and immune from further Congressional involvement?
If so, is this not a handing over of the US population lock/stock/barrel for complete monitoring, control of the supragovernmental Fed Reserve System? Are the total finanacial lives of all citizens now in the hands exclusively of the Federal Reserve with the signing of this bill?
The Fed Reserve now owns $2.3 trillion in mortgages, pending is control of all mortgage holders, potential mortgage holders and renters in the country.
With regard to world taxes, which Obama and the Dems seem to want the US citizen to pay directly from ones’ bank account in the future, the mechanism and control for such, thru the Fed Res, is being set up by this legislation, with no recourse for the citizen.
Pure Double Speak (total lie)
Does this mean your bank account becomes a matter of public record? Like anyone can find out how much money you have, and how much you spend, and on what?
so.....if we all start doing like 50 Balance Inquiries a day, we can cause their entire system to crash and implode?
Will they start with the Swiss bank accounts?????
okay...may be time to take everything out of my acocunt then...
But for decades, I only leave a set amount in bank: that needed for the months fixed bills.
The rest, I take in cash. Simply stubborn about anyone having a record of my movements and spending habits, like:
Where did you get gas and how much. (tracking your movements and they intend to ration gas - they will determine how much you need to move about.)
What do you eat (your grocery slip lists the foods you buy - and the gov’s is fast becoming the food police)
what books, magazines do you buy/read: (what is your political stance)
etc etc
They'd be bored still at my activities - but IT'S NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.
“The more you tighten your grip the more systems will slip through your fingers.”
I heard that in a movie recently.
Forcing us to use cash once again.
Too late....... closed them, took it all out. Get a plane or a big boat if you want my info you sorry POS’s.
Hey Pissant - who were the other Republicans who voted for this besides Brown?
He’s a M@sshole just like the rest of them.
Still, his election was a stick in Zero’s eye. But no one with any sense really believed he was some rock ribbed conservative!
Moving us each day just a little further down the slippery slope...