Think about the TV signals of Carter just reaching other systems. Some alien species probably thinks we would be push overs for an invasion with a leader like Carter.
Americans could never be that dumb again, could they?
Imagine if James Carville was on the data?
Great minds ... and all of that ...
The signals would be so diffuse it’d almost be impossible to pick up anything but a pixel here and there.
“Think about the TV signals of Carter just reaching other systems. Some alien species probably thinks we would be push overs for an invasion with a leader like Carter.”
I understand that most of our radio waves are stopped by the Sun’s heliosphere and turned into noise.
That’s actually very comforting to me. The odds are very, very great that any life form that is dominant enough to respond is very hostile.
I mean, just think if mohammedons conquer the Earth. How would mohmmedons be to weak aliens? They’d kill them and enslave them just like they do to everyone.