I should have made myself more clear: I am NOT referring to the guys fighting in Iraq/Afghanistan. I am referring to the typical suburban white kids who cower in the face of such bold actions by the invaders. The wussification of our tribe has been extensive. 50 years ago, the invaders wouldn’t get away with such things in high school alive.
“I should have made myself more clear...”
We have people saying they didn’t do enough, and others saying they went too far.
I think they did just fine.
Sure, the swearing was lame, but they were hyped-up, so what.
I’ve grown so tired of people acting passively that I’ll take whatever I can get in the way of “fighting back.”
We should be supporting our “white kids” when they stand up for what’s right FIRST. Then, if you want to discuss the nuances (swearing, body language, etc.), have at it.
Personally, I don’t mind the swearing. But that’s a different topic, I guess. I would swear to avoid dropping the *$&#*! right there in the street. My beastly energy has to go somewhere. Not everyone is mild-mannered. George Washington I am not, in that regard, at least.
I’m passionate about freedom and my right to be left alone to do my thing. So I don’t mind warrior energy at all. I think we need A LOT more of this right now. This is exactly what the left is trying to suppress in white American males—because they know it would spell the end of their BS.
But at least these little dudes acted in defense of their flag, and thus their values, their country, their loved ones, etc. And that is worth something.