Could somebody PLEASE CORRECT my spelling of MAINE.
It appears not only can’t I type; I can’t spell either.
Does anybody out there have an inside track to Glen beck or Drudge ?
Just FYI — If you hit the “abuse” button on your original posting it’s probably the fastest and easiest way to contact the mods to request a correction in the title and such. I see it’s spelled correctly now so I’m guessing they either saw your posting, or made the correction without asking? LOL Just thought this may help in the future. :)
OOPS — Forgot to tell you, I don’t know how to contact Glenn Beck, but I would assume that if you go to his website there is probably an email address for him or his producer.
I know on the far right column at Drudge Report there is a link to send him “tips”.
Hope this helps.
You're not picking up any bonus points in the grammar catergory either. :oP You need some more coffee.