Nick Boden (408) 201-6100 x40102
Time for the conservative students to wear t-shirts promoting freedom and liberty and other conservative ideas every day until the end of the school year.
Time to this the USA or is it Mexico????
The Morgan Hill School District Administrator is:
Dr. Wesley Smith
Call Wes to ask that disciplinary action be taken against the principal, Nick Boden.
I find it interesting that in todays world, a student can be kicked out of school for wearing a shirt with the American flag on it. The principal and the Mexican students need to understand that this is our country, not the Mexicans. We respect the Mexican heritage but not when they try and take over our country. They are looking for trouble and they’ll get it if they aren’t careful.
Excellent analysis at Pajamas Media:
Disrespected? Im confused. Arent all the students Americans? Who is being disrespected by the display of our shared national flag?
Lets pause for a moment and peel back the layers. It seems that many of the Hispanic students at Live Oak High (and probably innumerable other high schools across the country) have been so inculcated with an identity politics curriculum that, under the rubric of instilling pride and self-esteem, they have been convinced that they are somehow distinct from and separate from the other American students; that we feel disrespected when forced to perceive an American flag.
The school administration then stirs in their own toxic contribution: An assumption (typical of the soft racism of leftist ideology) that Hispanic students will respond with violence when they feel disrespected (the patriotic shirts could trigger fights is the euphemism they used). Even worse, fearing violence from Hispanic students, the adminstrators solve the crisis by banishing the offensive items, rather than warning students that any violence will be severely punished. In other words, the racist administrators insultingly assumed that their Hispanic students would erupt in violence at the sight of an American flag, and the only way to prevent this is to cower at the presumptive violence and preemptively cave in to the mobs demands that American flags be banned from campus.
Interesting to note the Vice Principal’s name who sent the boys to the principal is Miguel Rodriguez.
I’m sure that the ACLU is tripping over themselves to represent these kids. /s
Where is their legal fund?
They need to sue.
Morgan Hill Unified School District
15600 Concord Circle
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
In a statement released on Wednesday, the Morgan Hill Unified School District said it did not agree with the school’s actions.
“In an attempt to foster a spirit of cultural awareness and maintain a safe and supportive school environment, the Live Oak High School administration took certain actions earlier today,” the statement read. “The district does not concur with the Live Oak High School administration’s interpretation of either board or district policy related to these actions.”
Attempts to reach school officials early Thursday were not successful. A secretary told the Morgan Hill Times that Boden and Rodriguez were unavailable for comment on Wednesday.
(Mexican-American) Freshman Laura Ponce shows off her Mexican pride as she wears a Mexican flag over her shoulders and wears facepaint Wednesday as she waits for school to get out at Live Oak
Would this clown force the students to do the same on St. Patrick’s Day?
These American students are going to an American school paid for by American tax dollars.
Time to choose, folks.
In mid-morning, a group of 50 to 75 students (and a few parents) passed through downtown and went to the city's Community and Cultural Center about a mile down the street. As they waved their Mexican flags and chanted "Mexico! Mexico!" and "Give it back!", they proceeded down the street.
I have no idea what went on down at the center but, about half an hour to forty five minutes later, they returned through downtown and went on to the Civic Center.