And let me add... even IF a bomb situation or sabotage was to happen. Who would be THE most likely suspects? Especially a day prior to Earth Day? Envirowackos, of course. So, in the end, this really should make the Left look like nutso moreso than Conservatives who really wouldn’t be blowing up rigs, right?
Develop better skimmers so we can get great yield off it coming up by itself, the way it's always done, for 10 forevers.
No matter how much it costs, it's bound to be cheaper that the gianormous massive effort now ramping up to clean up the oil as it spreads a million times larger than the original float up point.
I'm not banking heavily on any of this, but if it were sabotage, and if Obama could shift blame to Haliburton, Tea Partiers, or anyone else, then he might be able to use this to push his leftist agenda. And he could argue that fossil fuels are bad for us and bad for the environment.
The envirowackos get what they want, and blame is shifted to others, and Obama can crackdown on rightwing extremists.
It's a win-win-win. But maybe I'm not quite that paranoid.