The mayor better start listening to the people!
*******Hit this current FOX POLL! Looking good!
YOU DECIDE: Will Immigration Law Help or Harm?
Help. The state had to do something, especially in the wake of recent border violence and the murder of rancher Bob Krentz by an illegal immigrant last month. 94% (110,369 votes)
Harm. The bill will promote racial profiling, hurt relations with Mexico and cost the state in possible class-action lawsuits. 4% (4,750 votes)
Not sure, but an immigration law of this magnitude should probably involve President Obama and Capitol Hill. 1% (1,373 votes)
Other (post a comment) 1% (840 votes)
Only 94% of the people voted for it = that means the gov’ment don’t have to take no notice of steenking citizens. (Maybe if 150% vote for it they’ll take note)