Well, all I can say is that Reagan used to stumble on his syntax and occasionally get his facts wrong. He completely lost his train of thought in the first debate with Mondale. But he won two landslides.
Sarah Palin’s assets far outweigh any negatives, but her chief asset is that she is genuine, honest and principled-—a very rare thing in a politician. She also has crackling hot charisma, which has been in short supply in the GOP for a long time.
I guess I don’t want to remake her. She is who she is. There is an old saying: Don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good. I would modify that a little for Palin; Don’t make the perfect the enemy of the near perfect. She is about as close to a perfect candidate as I think conservatives are likely to find anywhere, anytime.
Palin is markedly better recently in tightening up her response to questions. Check out her 11-min. interview with Greta last night to see it demonstrated, posted at C4P.