Nevertheless, I don't see us degenerating into a "race war," no matter what Pat (who is the political equivalent of the first Black Sabbath album) says, for several reasons, some of which are outlined above. "Whites" (an odd category that includes Arabs, Armenians, Persians and Jews, but NOT descendants of Europeans from Latin America), will have a large plurality for some time, and the various "peoples of color" could never unite in a solid coalition to declare war on the "whites."
I still see us going the way of Brazil demographically, albeit with more screaming from the politicos about race related issues. The balkans and Africa are very poor points of comparison.
Much like you, I see this country moving to the left, as the "new Americans" provide the votes to put the palefaced Chardonnay Socialists in power. Add to the fact that "traditional Americans" are already in a minority, and the increased secularization of the populace as a whole outside of rural areas, and the "traditionalist" vote will be at best a component of a political coalition, but far from a dominant one.
I see Brasil in our future too and it is a horrible place to live compared to here.
as you know I know this from having lived there when it was actually better