Russia kicked him out, France kicked him out for insider trading but we are real comfortable with him helping zero become president and funding all that is un American. He is an enemy!
I think he’s been to the White House like three times now to check on his boy.
Why did Bush not send him back to Russia when we had the power to do so?
The man is running this country with some others behind the scenes and obama is nothing but a puppet for them.
Without Soros then the far loony brainless left wing would be screwed .
I am waiting to hear obama put down soros and all of his money which he makes from the market and how much does he pay in taxes or does the IRS now just ignore his off shore accounts
he is a rotten SOB...NObama is his puppet and he was one of the major players in the dow market loss of $500B on 9/18/08 when palin and mccain had moved ahead of nobama in the race///then everything changed and now where are we///sh*t up the creek w/o a paddle