Just a couple things. Where is the EO that seals his school records? It is not listed with all the other EO’s on the White House website.
When would BO have learned Farsi? The Koran is written in Arabic and they don’t speak Farsi in Indonesia.
Why would the CIA need Farsi speakers in Pakistan or Afghanistan? The main language of Pakistan is Urdu. In Afghanistan it is Pashto and Dari.
If Manning’s research hasn’t answered these basic questions what makes you think the rest of his theories are any more cogent.
THE basic question is, “How did Oba supposedly attend Columbia with a lower than acceptable grade point average from Occidental?”
THE basic question is “DID Oba attend Columbia University in the early 1980’s?”
Why is it that the naysayers on this thread refuse to discuss the topic of this thread which is Oba ma and whether or not he really attended Columbia University?
Why would the CIA need Farsi speakers in Pakistan or Afghanistan? The main language of Pakistan is Urdu. In Afghanistan it is Pashto and Dari.
If Mannings research hasnt answered these basic questions what makes you think the rest of his theories are any more cogent.
Great points.
"The CIA needed Muslims or others who were fluent in Farsi and who could easily blend into the Muslim environment in the Middle East. The CIA persuaded Columbia University to extend their foreign student program to Obama, now a Columbia student, so that he might travel to Pakistan and enroll in the universities around Karachi in addition to the Patrice Lumumba School in Moscow. [1]"
However, the claim that Obama knowingly went against the Soviet Union is convincing enough to me that this is BS. Obama was right in the middle of the pro-Soviet Union "no-nukes" movement of the 80s.
"Obama, as an undercover agent, was the lead agent in the arms and money supply for the CIA-trained Taliban Army against the Soviet Army war machine. His actions were integral to the Talibans success in their opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan."
Riverside Church is only about 2 blocks away from Columbia.
From David Horowitz's FrontPageMag.com/DiscoverTheNetworks.org:
Profile: Institute For Policy Studies (IPS)
IPSs [Institute For Policy Studies] Washington, DC headquarters quickly became a resource center for national reporters and a place for KGB agents from the nearby Soviet embassy to convene and strategize. Cora Weiss headed one of the IPS's most successful forays -- into Riverside Church in Manhattan. She was invited there in 1978 by the Reverend William Sloane Coffin to run the church's Disarmament Program, which sought to consolidate Soviet nuclear superiority in Europe -- in the name of "peace." In 1982 Weiss helped organize the largest pro-disarmament demonstration ever held. Staged in New York City, the rally was attended by a coalition of communist organizations. During her decade-long tenure at Riverside, which became home to the National Council of Churches, Weiss regularly received Russian KGB agents, Sandinista friends, and Cuban intelligence agents. Weiss became infamous for her role in the psychological warfare conducted against U.S. prisoners of war held in the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" during the Vietnam War.
The Liberation News Service, which is a news source for hundreds of "alternative" publications nationwide (with antiwar, Marxist-oriented perspectives), was founded in 1967 with IPS assistance."
[lots more at link...]
On a related note, Communist Party USA is planning to launch a brand new campaign from Riverside Church on communist 'May Day' (5/1/2010).
Communist Led Peace Movement to Target US Military Budget
Guided by the Communist Party USA, the U.S. peace movement is entering a new phase.