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To: Hostage
In the context of an Agency contract, it doesn’t matter if he was for or against the Soviets.

It does if it is to be believable that Obama would have knowingly acted against the Soviet Union as Manning apparently claims.

"Obama, as an undercover agent, was the lead agent in the arms and money supply for the CIA-trained Taliban Army against the Soviet Army war machine. His actions were integral to the Taliban’s success in their opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan."

108 posted on 04/10/2010 5:25:21 PM PDT by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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That’s a standard fitrep, written to embellish a twenty-something old youngster who is having an adventure.

He would have been under the supervision of a senior agent and watched. He had no choice but to follow orders. Likely he was ordered to meet with Taliban accompanied by an interpreter. In those meetings he had orders to find out what their needs were. He would have been instructed to call in and report at certain times and his whereabouts would have been known at all times.

Could he have communicated to Soviet agents about his actions? In the theatre not likely. No, this adventure was a job that allowed him to learn a little about ops in the field, nothing more.

It is not that big a deal. Any recruit can volunteer or be volunteered for special ops. Whether they get the assignment or not is not in their control.

Completion of special ops can be rewarded with special offers and priviledges. So college enrollment and funding at Columbia, Harvard is not surprising.

Obama has all the markings of an Agency sponsored recruit. The murkiness and secrecy of his past are telltale signs. His Marxist views mattered not, not at the level he was placed at. And in fact Marxist indoctrination and training are an asset.

143 posted on 04/10/2010 9:40:30 PM PDT by Hostage
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