Amen, penelopesire!
Now Poland has an ENEMY in the White House, and a comrade of that enemy doing the investigation.
May God protect us all - but especially the dear people of Poland, Eastern Europe and the "former" Soviet satellites.
The second thought that came to mind (after thought #1: this is no accident), was the memory of the assassination of the anti-Taliban leader in Afghanistan just before the Al-Queda attack on us in September 2001.
Putin is flexing his muscles quite openly.
Quick reference:
On September 9, 2001, two days before the September 11 attacks in the United States, Massoud was assassinated in Takhar Province of Afghanistan by suspected al-Qaeda agents. The following year, he was named “National Hero” by the order of Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The date of his death, September 9, is observed as a national holiday in Afghanistan, known as “Massoud Day.”[2] The year following his assassination, in 2002, Massoud was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.[3]
not just Poland but Czech, UK, Israel , France, and Italy.
he has been slapping our allies in the face since day one and yet he warms up to Iran, muslims, muslim nations, chavez etc.
It is so frigging obvious now that this man has been placed i the white house by those behind the scenes like Soros to ruin this country.
This has been in the planning for years and now Ayers etc get their wish of ruining this country form the inside, Ayers another friend of bozo.
There is no way even the most left wing nuts can ignore this now
Amen. I have in-laws from Ukraine who came here for the freedom and prosperity Obama hates!