Time to play "Tax Man" by the Beatles...
1 posted on
04/07/2010 2:50:22 PM PDT by
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To: Nachum
What is can't say, won't say, or has no clue?
I'll take Obamabots for $100 Alex.
28 posted on
04/07/2010 5:56:16 PM PDT by
Drill Thrawl
(Another day, another injury, another step closer. Are you prepared?)
To: Nachum
it will be responsible for monitoring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I will be responsible for avoiding their monitoring by voting for repeal, altering my identity ,or leaving the country, or all three simultaneously. You should be able to get the job done with about 100 thousand agents.
29 posted on
04/07/2010 5:57:05 PM PDT by
(Now's the time to ante up aginst the Obama Fascist Junta ( member NRA))
To: Nachum
The man is in charge of staffing one of the largest federal expansions in the history of the US and maybe in the history of any government and he “can’t say” how many additional staff he needs?
Not even a rough number?
Either he is a liar or he is incompetent.
30 posted on
04/07/2010 6:18:13 PM PDT by
To: Nachum
They could employ the 47% who don’t pay any income taxes to watch over the 53& who pay all the taxes.
32 posted on
04/07/2010 6:23:43 PM PDT by
To: Nachum
And will they have shotguns to provide input to our health?
33 posted on
04/07/2010 6:25:29 PM PDT by
(Osama and Obama both hate freedom and have friends that bombed the Pentagon)
To: Nachum
But it's not a tax, it's a mandatory supplement ordered by the Dictator in Chief.
But then why will they take it out of your tax return if it's not a tax!
34 posted on
04/07/2010 6:26:10 PM PDT by
(Conservatism isn't a party)
To: Nachum; devolve; ntnychik; PhilDragoo; MeekOneGOP
I believe there were articles recently saying they would hire 16 thousand new agents.
Obviously they will need to buy even MORE guns.......
35 posted on
04/07/2010 6:56:23 PM PDT by
(~~"Where secrecy or mystery begins, vice or roguery is not far off. "~~)
To: devolve; Nachum
38 posted on
04/07/2010 7:18:11 PM PDT by
(~~"Where secrecy or mystery begins, vice or roguery is not far off. "~~)
To: Nachum; All
39 posted on
04/07/2010 7:23:54 PM PDT by
(Because someone has to say it!!!!!!!!!)
To: Nachum
Oh, they as yet have NO idea what they are unleashing here, with this new scenario of a whole NEW population of IRS agents being unleashed against us and acting as ObamaCare goon-enforcers. THey have NO idea. Once they get the slightest glimmer of just how close this will bring them to the tipping point, they are bound to alter this arrangement just in order to quell an increasingly restive public mood.
And just where does the population of people already on Medicare or Medicaid, or those ready for it in the next year or two, where do they fit into this equation?
52 posted on
04/07/2010 9:39:40 PM PDT by
("Every election is like an advance auction sale of stolen goods"--H.L.Mencken)
To: Nachum
The tax man can cometh all he wants,
53 posted on
04/07/2010 9:41:07 PM PDT by
(The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance -- Thos. Jefferson)
To: Nachum
IRONICALLY because of his tax history the guy in charge of the Treasury Department could not get one of these jobs.
55 posted on
04/08/2010 2:39:31 AM PDT by
(Brennan and Booth IT happens we have to wait til April because FOX is stupid)
To: Nachum
58 posted on
04/08/2010 7:47:33 AM PDT by
("When brute force is on the march, compromise is the red carpet." Ayn Rand)
To: Nachum; All
Any of you looking for work? /sarc
62 posted on
04/10/2010 12:08:28 AM PDT by
(It it wasn't for Double Standards, the Left would have No Standards.)
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