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To: Pacothecat
That is pure arrogance. She doesn't get it.
2 posted on
04/06/2010 3:48:08 PM PDT by
(Lets get dangerous)
To: Pacothecat
“Sebelius: ObamaCare Lawsuits Are About GOP Careers Not Constitution”
Is she admitting that the American people don’t like Obamacare? Doesn’t she know that the ‘official’ position is that we absolutely love it? (My grandma was right-once you start lying, it just gets more and more tangled.)
5 posted on
04/06/2010 3:50:24 PM PDT by
(Free Range Republican)
To: Pacothecat
Sebilius and her gang of thugs have no idea what the Constitution says. Don’t ya know, they make up the rules as they go along?
6 posted on
04/06/2010 3:50:46 PM PDT by
( (free speech is only good until someone else doesn't like what you say))
To: Pacothecat
I guess we’ll know if the court takes the case. If they think it’s grandstanding they will refuse it.
7 posted on
04/06/2010 3:50:47 PM PDT by
(What happens to taglines? Is there a termination date?)
To: Pacothecat
The lack of Democrat lawsuits ( except Louisiana) is more about careers than the constitution.
8 posted on
04/06/2010 3:51:11 PM PDT by
To: Pacothecat
Being Tiller the Killer's best friend and biggest supporter she clearly has no problem with premature death.Some of us,however,hold life (our own and those of others) a little more important.
It's about *life*,fool!!!
9 posted on
04/06/2010 3:51:41 PM PDT by
Gay State Conservative
(Host The Beer Summit-->Win The Nobel Peace Prize!)
To: Pacothecat
What the hell does she know about the Constitution?
For that matter, what the hell does she know about running HHS?
To: Pacothecat
Sebelius: ObamaCare Lawsuits Are About GOP Careers Not Constitution And ramming 0bamcare through against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of Americans, is about ENDING the careers of Democratic Party politicians in November and in 2012.
To: Pacothecat
Her and Napolitano are both useless..
To: Pacothecat
Yeah, that’s it, Serbeius. You keep believin’ that.
This is all a show, folks—the liberals know what they’re doing is unconstitutional. They’re counting on GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING. Also, they’re hoping the population grows “used” to the goodies.
Keep fighting, let these words merely encourage—not DIScourage you.
To: Pacothecat
Huh? What is the connection? She is truly clueless. Truly!
To: Pacothecat
And Obamacare is about Facism and NOT healthcare!!! Shove it Kathleen!!!!!!!!
18 posted on
04/06/2010 3:53:46 PM PDT by
To: Pacothecat
Collectivist old skank thinks she's running a daycare center and the Pubbies are acting like selfish parents......
19 posted on
04/06/2010 3:57:40 PM PDT by
(Where the hell can I get a court injunction to keep my own government out of my life?!?)
To: Pacothecat
When obamacare comes crashing down it’s her career that will be ruined.
To: Pacothecat
If she knew anything about the Constitution she wouldn’t be a Democrat.
22 posted on
04/06/2010 4:06:26 PM PDT by
(Socialism is for people who've given up.)
To: Pacothecat
With no exceptions, Democrat women are ugly and highly socialist bit-hes. However, there are a few too many Republicrat women who come close to that description. Two that come to mind are from the same state.
23 posted on
04/06/2010 4:06:43 PM PDT by
((Ps 109.8): "Let his days be few; and let another take his position.")
To: Pacothecat
Libs say the darndest things!
24 posted on
04/06/2010 4:16:45 PM PDT by
Hunton Peck
(If someone asked a hypothetical question, would you answer it?)
To: Pacothecat
Her career was completely built around murdering babies, and she has reaped her reward.
To: Pacothecat
Sebelius needs to wash her mouth out with something very strong. Then, perhaps, she will be able to swallow some of her more pompous and presumptuous vacuous pronouncements before they are released.
I am beginning to hate the sound of her name.
27 posted on
04/06/2010 4:38:57 PM PDT by
To: Pacothecat
That is pure arrogance. She doesn't get it.
She like all the others in this administration are COMMUNISTS. Their agenda is one of totalitarian RULE!
28 posted on
04/06/2010 4:56:14 PM PDT by
Don Corleone
("Oil the the cannolis. Take it to the Mattress.")
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