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To: Man50D
Give it up? Like you? You are not living in reality, son, especially not a political one.

You do know that JD Hayworth endorsed McCain for President, right? So, by your own definition, he too, is culpable for supporting a flaming socialist.

Oh, but I forget, when challenged on giving names of anyone you'd support for President, you stated no one has declared so you won't be pro/con anyone. Yet, you've already dismissed Palin.


Go back to your 'flaming socialist' tattoo. And while you're at it, make room for all the other candidates who have endorsed RINOs- including your flaming socialist, McCain:

Hunter endorsed Huckabee
Tancredo endorsed Romney
DeMint endorsed Romney
Pawlenty endorsed McCain
Thompson endorsed McCain
Newt endorsed Scozzafava
Santorum endorsed Specter
Rubio endorsed Huckabee
Santorum endorsed Romney
Scott Brown endorsed Rommey
Ann Coulter endorsed Romney
Mark Levin endorsed Romney
Dick Cheney endorsed McCain
Thune endorsed McCain
Jindahl endorsed McCain
Huckabee endorsed McCain
Bachmann endorsed McCain/Palin
Ron Paul endorsed Chuck Baldwin
Ron Paul endorsed ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney
Ron Paul endorsed Bob Barr
Paul Ryan endorsed McCain for President
Rick Perry (Governor-Texas) endorsed Rudy Guiliani
Peter King endorsed Guliani
GWB endorsed Spector
Santorum endorsed Spector
DeMint endorsed Graham
JD Haworth endorsed McCain
John Thune endorsed McCain
Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorsed Romney
Coburn endorsed McCain

132 posted on 04/03/2010 8:25:20 PM PDT by rintense (Only dead fish go with the flow, which explains why Congress stinks.)
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To: rintense
Give it up? Like you? You are not living in reality, son, especially not a political one.

The reality is posted in reply #172.

You do know that JD Hayworth endorsed McCain for President, right? So, by your own definition, he too, is culpable for supporting a flaming socialist.

You're comparing apples to oranges. Hayworth's only choice was between someone in his own party and the opposing party. Palin's choice is between a socialist in her party and a Conservative in the same party! You conveniently ignore the fact Hayworth is not kissing up to McAmensty now as Palin is still willing to do nor did Hayworth vote with socialist RATs on multiple key issues! Moreover Romney's endorsement of McAmensty should tell all you need to know about the difference between McAmnesty and Hayworth.

Oh, but I forget, when challenged on giving names of anyone you'd support for President, you stated no one has declared so you won't be pro/con anyone. Yet, you've already dismissed Palin.

The only thing you want to forget is Palin's continued association with a flaming socialist but don't worry. I'll keep reminding you.
173 posted on 04/04/2010 5:23:57 AM PDT by Man50D (Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
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