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The McCain Mutiny: A maverick fights for his political life—and his soul
Newsweek ^
| 2010-04-03
| David Margolick
Posted on 04/03/2010 3:58:32 PM PDT by rabscuttle385
Late last month, at a dusty fairground outside Tucson, John McCain stood behind the person who is, at least for the next few years, surely his most important legacy to American politics. And speaking to the adoring mob, Sarah Palin stood behind John McCain, repaying his inestimable gift to her in the most compelling possible fashion: by helping him to survive.
Many, many years ago she'd competed in a beauty pageant, Palin declared, as women howled (and a few men growled) approvingly. McCain would surely win the talent and debate portions of any such contest, she went on, but no way would the Washington elite and "pundints" and "lame-stream media" ever crown him "Miss Congeniality"! "He's never been a company man, he's never been one to just 'go with the flow,'?" she crowed.
...Palin had apparently missed the real message this electoral season in Arizona: for his three decades in Congress, McCain hadn't gone with the flow enough, at least not enough to satisfy many Arizona Republicans. Why else would his rival, former congressman J.D. Hayworth, be billing himself as "the consistent conservative"? Many of the GOP's most faithful, the kind who vote in primaries despite 115-degree heat, tired long ago of McCain the Maverick, the man who had crossed the aisle to work with Democrats on issues like immigration reform, global warming, and restricting campaign contributions. "Maverick" is a mantle McCain no longer claims; in fact, he now denies he ever was one. "I never considered myself a maverick," he told me. "I consider myself a person who serves the people of Arizona to the best of his abilities." Yet here was Palin, urging her fans four times in 15 minutes to send McCain the Maverick back to Washington.
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TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arizona
KEYWORDS: 2010; az2010; flushthejohn; maverick; mccain; mccainmutiny; mcnasty; palin
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To: ansel12
The Tea Party is reading its leaves as though this McCain fling is going to have a short life and will not affect her long term politics. If that is the case, well and good. If it isn’t, we have a problem Houston.
posted on
04/03/2010 7:28:32 PM PDT
HiTech RedNeck
(I am in America but not of America (per bible: am in the world but not of it))
To: HiTech RedNeck
I am hoping that once the McCain campaign issue is moot (either defeated in primary, or election day is finally past no matter who wins), Sarah Palin will go her own way feeling she has done sufficiently to return the favor. If McCain remains a political force to whom she feels she has to kowtow, however, that would be QUITE another question. I hope she is not that stupid.
I agree.
As with everything and everyone, we will have to wait and see and then make decisions accordingly.
To: Man50D; Canedawg
You're getting better Saul! Your absolutely correct about lacking substance if you ignore Palin actively endorsing a flaming socialist over a conservative candidate.
Still using the tactics you accuse others of using.
And I bet you are too dumb to even notice it.
Calling McCain a flaming socialist, means you would have to call Ronald Reagan a Moderate.
You're still using the deceitful tactic of Extreme Hyperbole and False Labeling.
To: HiTech RedNeck
The Tea Party is reading its leaves as though this McCain fling is going to have a short life and will not affect her long term politics. If that is the case, well and good. If it isnt, we have a problem Houston. I think it's interesting to note that when Sarah left McNut on March 27th, there was no new announcement about Sarah returning again to help him.
Maybe I'm reading too much into that, but you would have to figure that the McCain folks probably asked Sarah about a followup date as she was walking out the door.
To: SoConPubbie
Wow, all you do with that sort of deceitful comment is further emphasize my comment to you concerning your usage of Extreme Hyperbole.
Deceitful! Isn't it a fact McAmnesty votes with the socialist a majority of the time? Isn't it also a fact Palin supports McAmnesty? The only deceit is your increasingly pathetic attempt to rationalize those facts.
So McCain is a flaming socialist?
You don't find that type of statement to be Hyperbole?
Bless your heart for trying to get passed your deep state of denial but you still can't quite bring you to the whole truth. That being not only is McAmnesty is a flaming socialist but also one who Palin supports.
His record is mixed on this issue.
But to call him a flaming socialist is an out and out LIE!
Well let's review his record. He agrees with the socialists on amensty for illegals, abortion, campaign finance reform, opposing repeal of Roe vs Wade, opposing drilling in ANWR, global warming. He also advocated closing GITMO when he was running for President, founded the Reform Institute funded by George Soros. McAmnesty joined in 2007 to file an amicus brief against the Wisconsin Right to Life organization brief thereby helping helping pro-abort Russ Feingold, the Law Of The Sea Treaty(L.O.S.T) that would have ceded at least some of our national sovereignty to the one world order UN. He also admonished the North Carolina RNC for running an ad against BO/BS. Most recently sponsored a bill that would have banned over the counter dietary supplements being sold only to withdraw the bill after receiving harsh criticism. Other than those issues, you're right, he's just a conservative at heart.
Bless Sarah's heart for endorsing McAmnesty.
posted on
04/03/2010 7:42:49 PM PDT
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: Man50D
Deceitful! Isn't it a fact McAmnesty votes with the socialist a majority of the time? Isn't it also a fact Palin supports McAmnesty? The only deceit is your increasingly pathetic attempt to rationalize those facts.
Know, the real deceit is you trying to rationalize the lie that Sarah is somehow a socialist or a RINO based on her endorsement of McCain.
As has already been show many times on Free Republic, there is not a politician alive or dead who has not endorsed somebody who had dramatically different positions on the issues, and yet you still persist in the LIE that somehow, because Governor Palin did it, she some how has become something that her position on the issues does not support, especially the fact that she diverges from McCain on so many issues.
To: rintense
No, you seems to be a little thick in missing the fact that everyone else gets this. Rush, even JD Hayworth.
You seem to be in a deep state of denial Palin supports a flaming socialist.
But for whatever reason, you can't grasp it, let alone understand that even though we all hate it, this is politics.
I suggest you give up while your already behind if the best rationalization you can conjure up is supporting a flaming socialist at the expense of conservative principles is necessary to advance a particular agenda.
posted on
04/03/2010 7:47:05 PM PDT
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: Man50D
Deceitful! Isn't it a fact McAmnesty votes with the socialist a majority of the time? Isn't it also a fact Palin supports McAmnesty? The only deceit is your increasingly pathetic attempt to rationalize those facts.
Furthermore, calling McCain a Socialist is a lie. An extreme example of a Moderate, yes, and as a result worthless to me and every other conservative in the US.
His record doesn't support your invalid use of the word Socialist.
In other words, to satisfy you, apparently all Republicans would have to be as pure as our Lord Jesus Christ in order to be a conservative.
But, my friend, there was only one Son of God, and the rest of us are imperfect.
But you already knew this, and it is just another example of your use of Extreme Hyperbole, or in other words, LYING.
To: SoConPubbie
Still practing the deceit of Extreme Hyperbole!
I'm not the one who's spewing the invective to divert attention away from Palin kissing up to a flaming socialist.
Well, at least your are consistent in your weak debating skills.
You Saul Alinsky protege's are so predictable.
posted on
04/03/2010 7:49:15 PM PDT
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: County Agent Hank Kimball
Shes a solid conservative. I write off here support of McStain to paying back a debt. Its understandable. Personally, I believe that it is much more important than that, I think that the 2008 Republican VP not supporting the Presidential candidate in his reelection to his Senate seat would make the entire Republican race of 2008 look like a failed sham that the GOP was trying to pull over the public's eyes, and I think that it would have halted the momentum that conservatives have built in recent months.
I believe that the general public would view Palin as shallow, unstable, and threatening, and also see the entire Republican brand in the same way, like they are in disarray and broken and most importantly, unstable and not ready to lead. Obama and the Democrats would be seen as the more stable and their win of 2008 would be perceived as the nation dodging a bullet that did not become known to the general public until Palin turned on the man that 60 million Americans voted for, for President.
I think that Palin has the reasons that you and others describe, but I also think that she sees the big picture and knows that the image that affects the vast general public will effect all of the conservative hopes for 2010, and that the general public does not see or want the same thing that the smaller number of us that despise McCain see or want.
I think that the media would have created an entire devastating narrative on the Arizona race that they would have used as a bludgeon against the Republicans and the Tea Parties and conservatives, and they would have buried Palin for good in an image of totally negative character and personality descriptions. It would all be incredibly ugly and while we here would see through it, the vast voting public would not, and that would effect all of our races nationally, and at the same time make Obama look like a beacon of stability and consistency.
posted on
04/03/2010 7:49:27 PM PDT
( Why are the non "social conservative" Republicans so unconservative?)
To: Man50D
Speaking of those who support Neo Marxists - The PaulBot Truthers
posted on
04/03/2010 7:52:21 PM PDT
(Reagan Republican for Palin 2012)
To: hinckley buzzard
Sorry chief. Although you have been misguided, you at least put up a good fight.
There's nothing misguided about the fact Palin supports a flaming socialist.
You imply that Palin should have changed her endorsement after JD entered the race.
I apologize. I didn't mean to imply anything. I meant to outright state Palin should have stood strong on conservative principles by supporting a conservative instead of a flaming socialist.
Can anyone of normal intelligence NOT see what the PDS 'rats and media whores would have done to her for "changing horses in the middle of the stream?"
Are you actually suggesting it's preferable for her to support a socialist at the expense of conservatism to appease the socialist media? That is the very problem that caused the OP(formerly the GOP) to lose control of the White House and Congress!
That "giant sucking sound" is your argument going down the tube.
No, that was the sound of the OP taking conservatism down the tube by appeasing to socialist in order to expand the OP voter base.
posted on
04/03/2010 7:55:39 PM PDT
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: FreeReign
If she has found a way to bow out gracefully, so much the better. McCain’s and Palin’s espoused politics really do differ strongly. In particular, if she is going to shoot for president in 2012, we would like to know she won’t be afraid to buck McCain should he manage to return to the Senate.
posted on
04/03/2010 7:55:53 PM PDT
HiTech RedNeck
(I am in America but not of America (per bible: am in the world but not of it))
To: presently no screen name
Never, ever before has there been such emphasis regarding an endorsement.
I'm not referring to Palin. I'm referring to those who refuse to accept the connection between her and flaming socialist McAmnesty.
posted on
04/03/2010 7:57:39 PM PDT
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: SoConPubbie
Still using the tactics you accuse others of using.
I've only presented the fact Palin is all hugs and kisses with McAmnesty and the only response by Sarahbots are insults and baseless, erroneous insults just how Alinsky advocated socialists respond to avoid an issue they know they can't address on the merits.
posted on
04/03/2010 8:00:29 PM PDT
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: SoConPubbie
Know, the real deceit is you trying to rationalize the lie that Sarah is somehow a socialist or a RINO based on her endorsement of McCain.,
You're right. Advocating a socialist makes her a dyed in the wool conservative. Thank you for straightening me out.
posted on
04/03/2010 8:01:59 PM PDT
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: SoCalPol
Another unfounded accusation. Keep going Saul!
posted on
04/03/2010 8:02:51 PM PDT
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: Man50D
That is Paul’s money man and major supporter, Alex Jones in the photo
posted on
04/03/2010 8:04:23 PM PDT
(Reagan Republican for Palin 2012)
To: SoCalPol
That is Pauls money man and major supporter, Alex Jones in the photo
OK. So what?
posted on
04/03/2010 8:06:22 PM PDT
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: Man50D
I've only presented the fact Palin is all hugs and kisses with McAmnesty and the only response by Sarahbots are insults and baseless, erroneous insults just how Alinsky advocated socialists respond to avoid an issue they know they can't address on the merits. FReerepublic, home of the "Sarahbots" evidently.
Post from JR
I love Palins conservatism and patriotism! She may very well support McCain out of loyalty and I have no problem with that. And I have no problem with whom she supports with her PAC. There is nothing written that says she has to do everything (or anything at all) according to JIM.
Sarah is unabashedly pro-God, pro-Life, pro-Liberty, pro-family, pro-America, pro-constitution, pro-gun, pro-limited government and so am I. And shes wildly popular among the God-loving, Liberty-loving folks with whom I choose to associate. In short, shes a refreshing breath of clean fresh air in an otherwise putrid failure of a RINO infested party.
She represents my interests better than any other viable wannabe at this point and if she decides to run, she will have my undivided support!!
Romney, the draft-dodging, Big Government, lying statist political whore can KMA!!
And your picture does say a 1,000 words, but Bob, unfortunately theyre all about YOU and political whores like you and the results and likely outcome of your slavish, cultish RINOism!!
So you can shove your picture and your RINOs where the sun dont shine.
Sarah has more guts, talent, ability, patriotism, and sheer determination and love for America and our God-given Liberty than you and Romney and a thousand other RINOS will ever have!
Its been more than obvious for several years that our pro-Life & Liberty Free Republic has become an embarrassment for you, so why the hell dont you just take a fricken hike already!!
Shove it, pal.
GET THE HELL OFF FR if you dont like it, but whatever you do quit your damn whining and pestering good conservative FReepers about your hatred for Sarah Palin!! Its beyond sickening.
394 posted on Saturday, January 09, 2010 12:05:07 PM by Jim Robinson"
posted on
04/03/2010 8:07:36 PM PDT
( Why are the non "social conservative" Republicans so unconservative?)
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