I wonder why the FBI doesn’t arrest the bald commie of sedition and treason too(the one that Glenn Beck had a video of recently)? He was calling for the violent overthrow of our government. What about all of the well-documented radical islamist militias training in our country? Why haven’t they arrested them? Why is the media so quick to say ‘Christian extremist’..yet they never even use the word ‘Islamic extremist’?
I think we all know why.
He is on their side.
It is us and people like us that they are after.
Last year there was a shooting murder of an abortionist by an antiabortion protester and there was a shooting murder of an antiabotion protester by a proabortion protester.
The media and president gave more attention to the former.
The Pravda Media lies by omission.
Pretty ironic, when obama has a violent unrepentant anarchist (Bill Ayers) and his cop/Brinks Guard murdering accomplice wife Bernadine Dohrn - as frequent WH visitors and family friends