The point Im trying to make here is that I have absolutely NO truck with movements that mix guns or violence with religion.
Still, your meaning is 100% murky. Just WHAT do you mean by “mixing” religion and guns? Or “movement”? (I hope you had one this morning!).
Please, be clear. Many people want to know what you mean. So far, it looks as though you are attempting to slander anyone who holds religious beliefs and is a gun owner, to paint them with “nutjob gap toothed evil militia insurgent”.
You are also intimating that someone who is a gun owner is also “violent”.
Make your case.
Does religion include the religion of the liberal left: That all religion is subsumed by the state, that state can BE the ONLY religion? Sounds a bit like only the state can be the religion of the people.
Of course statism is NOT a religion in the eyes of leftists even though it fulfills all those fuctions otherwise provided by religion. Therefore armed religion is a threat to the state , and a threat to the only religion there should be....the state.
Lots of softy touchy feely folks do not realize that by taking this position that religion and guns do not mix are actually becoming fascists.The same process happenened in Germany in the late 1920s and was successful in displacing the Catholic church, just as Obama is attempting to do now in the health care bill/abortion issue. Now the Obama state religion will displace the Roman Catholic Church.
Religion and guns do mix. and they always will. That prevents the state from becommeing a religion like Obama wants right now.
I think Obama should be beatified.
He sure as hell has a gun and is using it.