When you say “I am generally against the combination of gun power and religion wherever it exists in this world” what exactly do you mean?
That people with religious beliefs should own guns? Or that priets, nuns and monks should not own guns? Or that Muslims should not own guns? Or that the Vatican should be a gun free zone?
Only atheists should own guns?
You also state: “I am a great believer in following the law, regardless of political persuasion. And I expect my government to do the same, whether I agree or disagree with the result.”
Do you think (for instance) that this administration follows the law, in general?
I am very much against militant religion, Christian, Jewish, Muslim or otherwise. (Practicing Christian.)
Nonetheless, as abhorrent as the content of Hutaree.com appears to me. . .I still support their right to their beliefs, until they cross the line and attempt to use firepower to force or terrorize others to succumb to their world view.
Personally, I don’t care for the content of their site. But on the other hand, innocent until proven guilty. I do not support the government scapegoating anyone, Right or Left.
Those of us of a certain age have seen enough of that in our lifetime.
Let’s hope the FBI has a good, sound case. I will assume otherwise until proven different. But if it doesn’t and this is just political grandstanding, I will be the first in line to holler.
See, it really doesn’t matter what ‘side’ you are on. . .if you don’t hold your government’s feet to the fire as regards your ‘enemies’. . .the next time, the next administration. . .it will be you, ‘friend’.
Good for the goose, good for the gander.