Exactly, and if this was a Muslim group, everyone on FreeRepublic would be cheering these arrests.
[Exactly, and if this was a Muslim group, everyone on FreeRepublic would be cheering these arrests.]
But that is the point. here are plenty of Muslim groups in America who are involved in the same or worse.
How long before the headline is “Hundreds Arrested for Discussing Sedition on Conservative Website”?
“First they came for the militia and I didn’t speak up.”
The problem is in today’s justice system you’re guilty if they say you’re guilty. And I’m afraid they’re aren’t enough of us to change that.
If this were a Muslim group we could be pretty sure of the charges against them. But with Holder and Obama I could certainly see how this could be seriously trumped-up purely for political gain.
You know what....if this was pre-health care, a lot of people (such) as myself would feel differently about these arrests than I do.
And I am not sure how I feel about that.
CORRECTION: Sent comment to wrong person & quote.
The point is with all the domestic Muslim terrorists & groups in this country dedicated to overthrowing it in favor of Sharia - why haven't any of them been charged with "seditious conspiracy?"
Obama ain't about to arrest any Muslim. He's gone out of his way to bow down to any Muslim creep he finds.
But it was’nt now was it?I dont trust the story one bit.
Have you seen this monstrous militia group? They look like some skinny kids playing dress up for attention. I bet they would pee their pants if anyone believed they had a "plan" to do any kind of real damage.
Yea...black helicopters, swat teams and part of the military to go after these dorks...What a hoot. Their grandmother could probably turn them in. LOL.