stepping back in time...
Note: The following text is a quote:
John Kerry Threatens to Kill President Bush on Bill Maher
October 8, 2006 in politics
The recent episode of Bill Maher was awesome. Robin Williams and Richard Clarke were great but what I found really interesting was when John Kerry seemingly threatens to kill President Bush (which is a crime).
(Maher asks Kerry what he got his wife for her birthday)
kerry: I did not get her catchup
maher: you could have gone to New Hampshire and killed two birds with one stone.
kerry: I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone.
1600 Pennsylvania avenue is where the Whitehouse is located.
Now I realize he was joking but generally speaking the Secret Service doesnt have a sense of humor about these things and has to investigate anyway. I wonder if theyll be paying John Kerry a visit or let it slide because hes a Senator.
Note: Videos included.
“Code Pink mob shuts down Rove book event”
By Michelle Malkin March 30, 2010 02:31 AM
SNIPPET: “Theyre baaaaaack in full force. The speech-stifling, original angry mob of Code Pinkos shouted down Karl Rove during a book tour event in Beverly Hills tonight forcing him to cut his remarks short and leave before attendees could get their books signed. Code Pink co-founder/terror-coddler/Obama funder Jodie Evans pulled her old citizens arrest prank and stormed right up to Rove with handcuffs. She and other members tried to incite the crowd with shouts of war criminal.”