Are the nanobots unionized?
It’s not in time to beat Obamacare. Only congressional staffers and union members will have access.
Well, since the drug companies are not going to be allowed to make any profits, why are they going to take all that risk and spend all that money to develop such therapies?
I pray this is true. I’ve lost 5 family members to cancer since 2000. It will come too late for them. Maybe others won’t have to suffer much longer.
They’ve been researching this for at least a decade—old news!
If they get this perfected and past the FDA in the next 3 years it will be a breakthrough. If it takes longer it will never get outside of the lab and development will stop. Socialized Medicine will not pay for it and will not permit it to be paid for.
only $1,736,000 per dose
And as the doctor prepares your injection, he looks at your government mandated healthcare intake form to determine which nanobot formula you get... the Democrat one, or the Republican one...