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Obama signs health care reform bill, aims to promote it on the road
| 2010-03-24
Posted on 03/23/2010 9:55:45 AM PDT by rabscuttle385
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama on Tuesday signed into law a sweeping health care reform bill, the nation's most substantial social legislation in four decades, achieving a top priority of his administration.
Greeted by applause from enthusiastic supporters, he said, "Today after almost a century of trying; today, after over a year of debate; today, after all the votes have been tallied, health insurance reform becomes law in the United States of America."
The president said he is confident the Senate will improve the health care reform law swiftly. He said some health care reforms will take some time to phase in, but others will "take effect right away."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 0bama; bho44; bhofascism; bhosocialism; bhotyranny; biggovernment; liberalfascism; mccainmutiny; obama; obamacare; romney; romneycare; socialism; tyranny
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To: Kimberly GG
This is the senate bill that already passed the senate on christmas eve and the house this last sunday....
You’re referring to the reconciliation bill in the senate now waiting on their debate/vote and if they change one thing....THAT bill (the amends the one signed today) goes back to the House....
posted on
03/23/2010 10:43:03 AM PDT
(Am I the only one that forgets I'm not on FB & tries to "like" freeper comments?)
To: maine-iac7
posted on
03/23/2010 10:43:08 AM PDT
(Capitalism = billions raised from poverty, Socialism = billions reduced to starvation)
To: rabscuttle385
I so hope he makes a swing by Austin.
posted on
03/23/2010 10:55:34 AM PDT
(0bama is not the anti-christ. Satan wouldn't be such a screw up.)
To: DrewsMum
For some dang reason, I just can’t get it straight ;)
Senate passes bill 12/ goes to House. So, are you saying that the House just pass the EXACT same bill already passed in the Senate?
thanks for your patience.
posted on
03/23/2010 10:56:51 AM PDT
Kimberly GG
("Path to Citizenship" Amnesty candidates will NOT get my vote!)
To: silverleaf
Hed have better luck selling $h!t sandwiches outside the White House.
posted on
03/23/2010 11:02:49 AM PDT
To: BJClinton
“I so hope he makes a swing by Austin.”
I doubt he’ll pass through Dallas.
posted on
03/23/2010 11:03:22 AM PDT
(Socialism is the gospel of envy and the religion of thieves)
To: silverleaf
Hed have better luck selling $h!t sandwiches outside the White House. Well it is easy to sell a shit sandwhich when can force the people to buy it. The Obama Healthcare program is a Shit sandwhich!
posted on
03/23/2010 11:03:40 AM PDT
To: TexasRepublic
I doubt hell pass through Dallas.
lol, no, he won't.
posted on
03/23/2010 11:09:09 AM PDT
(0bama is not the anti-christ. Satan wouldn't be such a screw up.)
To: rabscuttle385
Greeted by applause from enthusiastic supporters, he said, "Today after almost a century of trying; today, after over a year of debate; today, after all the votes have been tallied, health insurance reform becomes law in the United States of America."
This Demcare bill was NOT passed because "We the People" wanted it passed - they only way the boy king can claim "after all the votes have been tallied", was because of all the bribes and payoffs done with WE THE PEOPLE'S tax payer funds.
posted on
03/23/2010 11:09:41 AM PDT
(Barack Hussein 0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)
To: Sister_T
To: rabscuttle385
posted on
03/23/2010 11:14:34 AM PDT
(Oath Keepers - Guardians of the Republic - Honor your oath - Join us:
To: Kimberly GG
They can do whatever they want. We have been taken over.
They are already moving on to more gov control the energy bill and some other billion dollar so called bull crap JOBS my arse bill.
Everyone forgets in this beast called ObamaCare is a NAT ID card.
To: rabscuttle385
Hit the road jack and don’t come back!
posted on
03/23/2010 12:03:18 PM PDT
("If you follow the crowd,you get no further than the crowd")
To: Kimberly GG
“So, are you saying that the House just pass the EXACT same bill already passed in the Senate?”
Yes, they intended to amend it to begin with and send it back to the Senate, but during that time SCOTT BROWN happened making the Senate lose their deciding vote....
So the house just passed the Senate bill as is.
posted on
03/23/2010 12:03:31 PM PDT
(Am I the only one that forgets I'm not on FB & tries to "like" freeper comments?)
To: jackibutterfly
He Won! Again.
You know the kid that you watched ride his bike out front with his nose in the air while the rest of the kids in the family and neighborhood were on some form of lockdown/punishment/community time out?
That would be our Sock puppet in chief.
To: Kimberly GG
and no worries....I don’t mind answering questions if I can...
posted on
03/23/2010 12:04:17 PM PDT
(Am I the only one that forgets I'm not on FB & tries to "like" freeper comments?)
To: suijuris
Well written!! Do we have to smile and say “MMMmmmm”, too??!!
To: thethirddegree
posted on
03/23/2010 12:46:37 PM PDT
(Ops4 God Bless America!Jesus is Lord!)
To: rabscuttle385; PhilDragoo; All; PhiKapMom; seekthetruth; nutmeg
Air Force One ain't a freakin' golf cart.
BHO LIVES on Fantasy Island - "The plane, the plane!"
posted on
03/23/2010 12:50:53 PM PDT
floriduh voter
(I heart Adam Lambert from American Idol Season 2009. He's gay. Get over it.)
To: snarkytart
posted on
03/23/2010 12:52:03 PM PDT
floriduh voter
(Hussein Obama lives on Fantasy Island "The plane, the plane!")
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