I don’t think King David would have been a “Gun Control” advocate.............
The word “Warsaw” should should be a bracing slap to any Jew advocating gun control.
I *like* bagels.
What is wrong with these people??? Don’t they know history? Didn’t Hitler take gun rights away from everyone right before he started the massive slaughter of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and the retarded?
Dear Jews, Thanks for advocating a no gun policy. Now step into the shower.
We as non-Jews MUST understand that American Jews are leftists/liberals FIRST, Jews somewhere WAAAAAY down the line. They have to be viewed as nothing but another group of radical socialists, Marxists...you name it. The Jew part is irrelevant.
You should have explained what a “bagel brain” really is.
I hope I have it right, but a “bagel brain” is round, soft on the inside, and HAS A LARGE HOLE IN THE MIDDLE. This hole is why the common sense has leaked out.
You are welcome.
They are called “Oven Jews” by their more rational brethren.
Of all times in history, this is the worst time for Jews and Christians to be disarmed. The Left is on a march to Marxism and they don’t like Jews and Christians.
Maryland “Freak State” PING!