Posted on 03/12/2010 8:32:07 AM PST by IMissPresidentReagan
b>AND NOW . . . amidst billowing clouds of fragrant, aromatic first- and second-hand premium cigar smoke. . . it is time for . . . that harmless, lovable little fuzz ball, the highly-trained broadcast specialist, having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have, from behind the golden EIB microphone, firmly ensconced in the prestigious Attila-the-Hun chair at the Limbaugh Institute of Advanced Conservative Studies, serving humanity simply by showing up, and hes not retiring until every American agrees with him, do NOT doubt him, with shrieks of joy at the mere mention of his name (thats Rush, for those in Rio Linda),the Mandarin of Talk Radio, with talent on loan from G-d, at the cutting-edge of societal evolution, with half his brain tied behind his back just to make it fair, the all-knowing, all-caring, all-sensing, all-feeling, all-concerned Maha-Rushie! Americas anchorman, truth detector, and doctor of democracy. A Real Man, a living legend, a way of life. Commander in Chief of U.S. Operation Chaos. Chief Waga-Waga El Rushbo of the El Conservo Tribe. Chief of the Patriotism Police. Leader of the Conservative Movement. A Weapon of Mass Instruction. El Rushbo (a little Spanish lingo, there). He is the man who is running America (you know it and I know it). He knows the Democrats like every square inch of his glorious naked body. He is ready to do what he was born to dothats host. Get ready to what you were born to dothats listen (and post your comments on the Rush Limbaugh LIVE Radio Thread).
Obama says he’s committed
to immigration overhaul
Gay porno if ya think about it metaphorically........
I just wish people would use their brains. All this talk...It’s like calling a used car a “Pre-Owned” Certified car...It’s used. Sheesh. So sick of the double speak.
It’s for the Children!
We do not want health care; we do not want cap and trade; we do not want amnesty. Cut taxes and spending instead...
C Black Caucus: Why is Obama Ignoring Us?
Imagine a world where everything in your life is paid for by enslaving someone else. That’s what Nancy’s saying.
Hey sono, didya hear Franken will be the next comic book hero?
Attention Whore Distraction Number 1,009
Rev. Wright Wishes Obama
Would Talk to Him, Slams Fox
(This means O will take him on vaycay with him, same as when they were ‘fighting’, while he sunned in the islands with the O family... never reported. Also, neither went to church on that Easter during vaycay).
Al Franken went from a second rate comic to a third rate senator. So I guess they’ll let any clown in Congress.
The Constitution:
Another Victim of Obamacare
Homes Rented To Nonprofits
Upset Neighbors
Rush... Could you be searching for these words?
Good afternoon, megaRUSHONOPENLINEFRIDAYdittos from Biggirl,PING!!!!:)=^..^=
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