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Call to action! Washington DC: March 16th, 2010 - Stop Obamacare 2.0 ^
| March 10, 2010
| via Michelle Malkin
Posted on 03/11/2010 8:36:17 AM PST by nutmeg
We are calling everyone that is able to come to Washington, DC on March 16th, 2010 for one last push against Obamacare. We will meet at the Cannon building at 9am and speak with as many representatives as possible, encouraging them to vote NO on this version of health care reform.
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Breaking News; News/Current Events; US: District of Columbia
KEYWORDS: freedomworks; healthcare; obamacare; teaparty; teapartyrebellion
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See the
FreedomWorks website for more information.
This could be interesting... imagine thousands of people showing up to "storm" the Cannon building and other House buildings on the morning of March 16th...
posted on
03/11/2010 8:36:17 AM PST
To: nutmeg
I hope 2012 reveals a MASS PURGING of these so-called Washington DC leaders.
posted on
03/11/2010 8:38:38 AM PST
To: nutmeg
Was Democrats Health Care Strategy Written In Federal Prison?
Rep. Schakowskys husband, Robert Creamer, used to be the leader of Citizen
Action/Illinois. He also founded its predecessor, Illinois Public Action, in which Ms.
Schakowsky served as Program Director. He runs a political consulting firm, the
Strategic Consulting Group, which lists ACORN and the SEIU among its clients and
which made $541,000 working for disgraced former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich.
Creamer resigned from Citizen Action/Illinois after the FBI began investigating him for
bank fraud and tax evasion at Illinois Public Action. He was convicted in 2006 and
sentenced to five months in federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, plus eleven months of house arrest.
While in prisonor forced sabbatical, he called itCreamer wrote a lengthy political
manual, Listen to Your Mother: Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win (Seven
Locks Press, 2007). The book was endorsed by leading Democrats and their allies,
including SEIU boss Andy Sternthe most frequent visitor thus far to the Obama White
Houseand chief Obama strategist David Axelrod, who noted that Creamers tome
provides a blueprint for future victories.
When we correct for both gimmicks, counting both on- and off-budget costs over the first 10 years of implementation, the total cost of ObamaCare reaches Im so sorry about this $6.25 trillion.
The former CBO director, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, warns today on the effect ObamaCare
will have on our economy and health care.
This bill will lead to a huge middle class tax increase:
The bill creates a new health entitlement program that the Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) estimates will grow over the longer term at a rate of 8% annually, which is much
faster than the growth rate of the economy or tax revenues.
When Barack Obama ran for president, he promised that his health care plan would
"lower health-care costs by $2,500 for the typical family." Now, it turns out that new
legislation that he supports creating public-private "co-operatives" will increase the costs
of family health insurance by $4,000 by 2019.
Robert Reich Reveals Brutal Health Care Truths; MSM Snores
"We're going to have to, if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that
technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you
maybe going for another couple of months. It's too we're going to let
you die."
PriceWaterhouseCoopers concluded that the cost of health insurance for the average
family will rise by $4,000 by 2019, as compared with doing nothing:
Customers will pay big for health fix: insurers
A major new report confirms the worst fears of many: Health care reform will raise the
costs for most Americansby about 18% on average. That is on top of existing inflation of health coverage.
The WSJ Guide to ObamaCare. A comprehensive collection of our editorials. "
45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul
Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under
consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting
down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.
The poll contradicts the claims of not only the White House, but also doctors' own lobby
the powerful American Medical Association
"Obama health care plan projected to cost 5.2 million jobs
In addition wages would be stunted for another 10.2 million wage earners."
"Oregon Offers Terminal Patients Doctor-Assisted Suicide Instead of Medical Care
PORTLAND, Ore. Some terminally ill patients in Oregon who turned to their state for health care
were denied treatment and offered doctor-assisted suicide instead
"[How could they] not pay for medication that would help my life, and yet offer to pay to end my life?"
"Obama Health-Care Would Drive Up Inflation and Health-Care Costs
ObamaCare would shrink the economy, drive up health-care costs and inflation,
and increase the deficit,
Overall, total federal expenditures will be 5.6 percent higher than otherwise by 2019, adding $285.6 billion to the federal deficit in 2019
"Pushing Veterans Toward the Grave
posted on
03/11/2010 8:39:51 AM PST
("Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson)
To: nutmeg
Anyone who can't go can contact their congress critters with toll free numbers to the capital switchboard. The numbers are below:
877-762-8762, 866-338-1015, 866-220-0044, 877-851-6437, 877-210-5351. Go get 'em!
posted on
03/11/2010 8:40:36 AM PST
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: nutmeg
imagine thousands of people showing up to "storm" the Cannon building and other House buildingsNot to be a buzzkill but it happened last November. The Capitol Police closed off the buildings and allowed access only after a thorough security check thus slowing the onslaught of patriots to a trickle. Canon was locked down to only one entrance IIRC. Thousands of people outside - dozens of people inside. Kinda' like a big townhall.
posted on
03/11/2010 8:49:17 AM PST
(Time to finish the Reagan Revolution! -
To: StarFan; Dutchy; alisasny; BobFromNJ; BUNNY2003; Cacique; Clemenza; Coleus; cyborg; DKNY; ...
Call to Action ping!
I learned about this event from Michelle Malkin... she briefly mentioned it last night on Hannity's Fox News TV show.
posted on
03/11/2010 8:51:22 AM PST
(Rush Limbaugh & Sarah Palin agree: NO third parties! Take back the GOP)
To: nutmeg
Sounds great nutmeg!
Wish I could be there too.
Here's a related thread with some more information:
Friends:We have stopped this government takeover of health care so far. We are now in overtime and our opponent has the ball on the goal line ready to score! Are you going to walk away now or are you going to stand strong and defend your position so we can win this game? It is our game to win, but it is going to take all of us standing shoulder to shoulder. The time is now or never! We will never have this opportunity again. Next Tuesday, on March 16th, the people of this country will once again flood...
posted on
03/11/2010 8:51:31 AM PST
(TPXIII coming soon! March 27th to April 15th 2010)
To: My Favorite Headache; MinuteGal
One-time ping... Call to Action Alert!
I learned about this event from Michelle Malkin... she briefly mentioned it last night on Hannity's Fox News TV show.
posted on
03/11/2010 8:52:45 AM PST
(Rush Limbaugh & Sarah Palin agree: NO third parties! Take back the GOP)
To: nutmeg
and not a single reporter from the MSM will be there to tell the lemmings about it...
posted on
03/11/2010 8:53:49 AM PST
TV Dinners
(Hope is not a Strategy)
To: nutmeg
We must also organize and send these Fascists packing in November.
posted on
03/11/2010 8:54:57 AM PST
(Clean the RAT/RINO Sewer in 2010 and 2012)
To: nutmeg
This could be interesting... imagine thousands of people showing up to "storm" the Cannon building and other House buildings on the morning of March 16th...
The key word is "storm". If you are not willing to do that, it is pointless. The only way to stop the action is to stop the congress.
They haven't listened to the people as of today, what difference will that make on March 16?
posted on
03/11/2010 8:59:15 AM PST
Misplaced Texan
(July 4, 2009 - the first day of the 2nd Revolution!)
To: Misplaced Texan
Pointless? B/S!
The Tea Party and Townhall protests are the only reason they haven’t already passed this Democrat/Marxist boondoggle. The Democrats fear the wrath of the people! Keep the pressure on!!
When the people fear the government we have tyranny.
When the politicians fear the people we have Liberty!!
Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!!
Rebellion is brewing!!
posted on
03/11/2010 9:08:52 AM PST
Jim Robinson
To: Diogenesis
Diogenesis, I might have found a new article for your list:
Obama’s cousin (a doctor) savages ObamaCare:
Dr. Milton R. Wolf is a radiologist in Kansas. He is Barack Obama’s second cousin once removed. President Obama’s great-great grandfather, Thomas Creekmore McCurry, is Dr. Wolf’s great-grandfather. Dr. Wolf’s mother, Anna Margaret McCurry, was five years older than Mr. Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham. The two were childhood friends until the Dunhams moved from Kansas to Seattle in 1955.
To: nutmeg
“See the FreedomWorks website for more information.”
On March 21 SEIU is calling for thousands to do the same in D.C. Only they will be asking for ObamaCare AND Amnesty for illegal aliens.
Unfortunately FreedomWorks can’t do the same...they are PRO-AMNESTY!
posted on
03/11/2010 9:14:24 AM PST
Kimberly GG
("Path to Citizenship" Amnesty candidates will NOT get my vote!)
To: Misplaced Texan
“The key word is “storm”. If you are not willing to do that, it is pointless. The only way to stop the action is to stop the congress. “
I ABSOLUTELY agree with you! But I see at least they FINALLY got a little more serious and actually picked a WEEKDAY!
posted on
03/11/2010 9:16:40 AM PST
Kimberly GG
("Path to Citizenship" Amnesty candidates will NOT get my vote!)
To: StarFan; Dutchy; alisasny; BobFromNJ; BUNNY2003; Cacique; Clemenza; Coleus; cyborg; DKNY; ...
Syncro alerted me to this related thread with some more information (thanks, Syncro!):
posted on
03/11/2010 9:19:41 AM PST
(Rush Limbaugh & Sarah Palin agree: NO third parties! Take back the GOP)
To: Kimberly GG; All
And why do you think the Democrats have not already passed this B/S with their congressional majority? It’s because of the pressure we’re putting on. They fear the wrath of the people!!
posted on
03/11/2010 9:26:05 AM PST
Jim Robinson
To: Jim Robinson
AMEN, Jim!!!
posted on
03/11/2010 9:36:32 AM PST
(Rush Limbaugh & Sarah Palin agree: NO third parties! Take back the GOP)
To: nutmeg; Jim Robinson
Oops, I mean THIRD! LOL
posted on
03/11/2010 9:44:51 AM PST
(TPXIII coming soon! March 27th to April 15th 2010)
To: nutmeg; ExTexasRedhead
Defeat Obamacare call list: List now contains the new MAYBES culled from FR posts.
Code Red - House Target List on Health Care
The National Republican Congressional Committee has published a target list on health care. In addition to continuing to contact the five Tennessee Democrat Congressmen, you can go to contact some of these targets. Much of the talk following Obamas announcement has focused on how to defeat this second bill through reconciliation, but that is misleading because the first step to defeating Obamacare is not by concentrating on defeating the fixer bill but by defeating the Senate bill in the House when it goes to the floor for an up-or-down vote on Thursday, March 18th.
Rep. Lincoln Davis 202-225-6831 Columbia office: 931-490-8699
Rep. Jim Cooper 202-225-4311 Nashville office: 615-736-5295
Rep. Bart Gordon 202-225-4231 Murfreesboro office: 615-896-1986
John Tanner (202) 225-4714, Union City, (731) 885-7070, Jackson Phone: (731) 423-4848, Millington (901) 873-5690 TN (MAYBE)
Rep. Steve Cohen 202-225-3265 Memphis office: 901-544-4131
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3826 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District
Bart Stupak (202) 225 4735 MI (MAYBE)
Brian Baird (202) 225-3536, Vancouver, (360) 695-6292. Olympia, (360) 352-9768, (MAYBE)
senator mark begich (202) 224-3004 toll free. (877) 501 - 6275 just became a MAYBE
Jason Altmire 202-225-2565, Aliquippa, 724-378-0928,
Natrona Heights, 724-226-1304 (MAYBE)
On the Bubble (Major developments from the yes and no columns in the House)
posted on
03/11/2010 9:52:41 AM PST
(obamacare paid for by cuts & taxes on most vulnerable Veterans, disabled,seniors & retired Military)
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