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1 posted on 03/08/2010 8:25:11 AM PST by aquapub
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To: aquapub
Articles on the WMD:

On June 9th [2004], the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission briefed the Security Council about the export of Iraqi WMD, missile and nuclear components shipped out of Iraq before, during and after the invasion. As reported by MENL news service, UNMOVIC acting executive chairman Demetrius Perricos told the Council, "The removal of these materials from Iraq raises concerns with regard to proliferation risks," and said inspectors found Iraqi WMD and missile components shipped abroad that still contained UN inspection tags.

The World Tribune reported on Perricos's briefing. "He said the Iraqi facilities were dismantled and sent both to Europe and around the Middle East at the rate of about 1,000 tons of metal a month... The Baghdad missile site contained a range of WMD and dual-use components, UN officials said. They included missile components, reactor vessel and fermenters ... required for the production of chemical and biological warheads. 'It raises the question of what happened to the dual-use equipment, where is it now and what is it being used for,' Perricos's spokesman, said. 'You can make all kinds of pharmaceutical and medicinal products with a fermenter. You can also use it to breed anthrax.'"


As discussed in Shadow Warriors by Kenneth Timmerman, Smeshko and the other Ukrainians informed the U.S. and British governments that Iraq’s WMD had been sent outside of the country with Russian assistance. The information included the dates and locations of meetings to plan the operation, and even names of the Russian Spetsnaz officers involved. Shaw also worked with a British solider of fortune who ran an intelligence network in the region, and had tracked the movement of WMDs to Syria and Lebanon. The information provided by this network substantiated the information provided by the Ukrainians. Ion Pacepa, the former head of Romanian intelligence during the Cold War, has also provided information supporting these allegations, saying he had personal knowledge of a Soviet plan called “Operation Sarindar” where the Russians would cleanse an ally, such as Iraq, of traces of illicit activity if threatened with Western attack. The plan’s purpose was to deny the West of any evidence incriminating the Russian ally, as well as to wipe Russia’s own fingerprints off of the state’s illegal activity.

The Other Intelligence Failure: Iraqi WMD Tips Were Ignored

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper, head of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, said vehicle traffic photographed by U.S. spy satellites indicated that material and documents related to the arms programs were shipped to Syria."


"Last month Moshe Yaalon, who was Israel's top general at the time, said Iraq transported WMD to Syria six weeks before Operation Iraqi Freedom began.

Last March, John A. Shaw, a former U.S. deputy undersecretary of defense for international technology security, said Russian Spetsnaz units moved WMD to Syria and Lebanon's Bekaa Valley.

"While in Iraq I received information from several sources naming the exact Russian units, what they took and where they took both WMD materials and conventional explosives," Mr. Shaw told NewsMax reporter Charles Smith.

Retired Marine Lt. Gen. Michael DeLong was deputy commander of Central Command during Operation Iraqi Freedom. In September 2004, he told WABC radio that "I do know for a fact that some of those weapons went into Syria, Lebanon and Iran."

In January 2004, David Kay, the first head of the Iraq Survey Group which conducted the search for Saddam's WMD, told a British newspaper there was evidence unspecified materials had been moved to Syria from Iraq shortly before the war.

"We know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some components of Saddam's WMD program," Mr. Kay told the Sunday Telegraph.

Also that month, Nizar Nayuf, a Syrian journalist who defected to an undisclosed European country, told a Dutch newspaper he knew of three sites where Iraq's WMD was being kept. They were the town of al Baida near the city of Hama in northern Syria; the Syrian air force base near the village of Tal Snan, and the city of Sjinsar on the border with Lebanon.

In an addendum to his final report last April, Charles Duelfer, who succeeded David Kay as head of the Iraq Survey Group, said he couldn't rule out a transfer of WMD from Iraq to Syria.

"There was evidence of a discussion of possible WMD collaboration initiated by a Syrian security officer, and ISG received information about movement of material out of Iraq, including the possibility that WMD was involved. In the judgment of the working group, these reports were sufficiently credible to merit further investigation," Mr. Duelfer said."


"The short answer to the question of where the WMD Saddam bought from the Russians went was that they went to Syria and Lebanon," former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense John A. Shaw told an audience Saturday at a privately sponsored "Intelligence Summit" in Alexandria, Va. (


"We are not talking about a large stockpile of weapons," he said. "But we know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some components of Saddam's WMD programme. Precisely what went to Syria, and what has happened to it, is a major issue that needs to be resolved."


"Two days before the war, on March 17th, we saw through multiple intelligence channels - both human intelligence and technical (satellite,eavesdrop) intelligence - large caravans of people and things, including some of the top 55 Iraqis, going to Syria."


See also: What Charles Duelfer Missed

U.S. State Department Admits -- Saddam Hussein Was Developing Nuclear Bomb

Saddam's Terror Links (He Had Links to al Qaeda)

2 posted on 03/08/2010 8:33:16 AM PST by ravingnutter
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To: aquapub

Bravo to this author for fighting the Democrat party lie machine

3 posted on 03/08/2010 8:36:07 AM PST by MNJohnnie ("The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples' money" Lady Thatcher)
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To: aquapub; kabar; Peach; joesbucks
Terrorist links from my files:

In 1998, an Arab intelligence officer, who knows Saddam personally, predicted in Newsweek: "Very soon you will be witnessing large-scale terrorist activity run by the Iraqis." The Arab official said these terror operations would be run under "false flags" --spook-speak for front groups--including bin Laden's organization.

Then there were the predictions by an Iraqi with ties to Iraqi intelligence, Naeem Abd Mulhalhal, in Qusay's own newspaper several weeks before the attacks that stated bin Laden would “demolish the Pentagon after he destroys the White House and ”bin Laden would strike America “on the arm that is already hurting.” (referencing a second IRAQI sponsored attack on the World Trade Center). Another reference to New York was “[bin Laden] will curse the memory of Frank Sinatra everytime he hears his songs.” (e.g., “New York, New York”) which identified New York, New York as a target. Mulhalhal also stated, “The wings of a dove and the bullet are all but one and the same in the heart of a believer." which references an airplane attack.

The Arabic language daily newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabic also cited the cooperation between Iraq, bin Laden and Al December 1998 editorial, which predicted that “President Saddam Hussein, whose country was subjected to a four day air strike, will look for support in taking revenge on the United States and Britain by cooperating with Saudi oppositionist Osama Bin-Laden, whom the United States considers to be the most wanted person in the world.” This info is in the link provided below. How could these people have had foreknowledge without Iraq being involved?

Source for this info

Warning...slow loading .pdf file. This was from a lawsuit filed against Iraq after 9/11...the court ruled against Iraq.

There was also another lawsuit filed by the family of John O’Neill (a former FBI agent who captured Ramzi Yousef after the 1993 WTC bombings) after he died in the WTC on 9/11. His personal files from his years of traveling around the world investigating al-Qaeda are were used as evidence in the lawsuit. The evidence includes documents unearthed in the headquarters of the Mukhabarat (Iraq's intelligence service) and information gleaned from the interrogation of both al-Qaeda and Iraqi prisoners. (Link below). It also quotes Vincent Cannistraro, the former CIA counter-terrorism chief, who stated in October 2000 that Iraq had been wanting to carry out terrorist attacks, and that the Iraqi military had been in contact with Osama bin Laden.

Click Here

We know from these IIS documents that beginning in 1992 the former Iraqi regime regarded bin Laden as an Iraqi Intelligence asset. We know from IIS documents that the former Iraqi regime provided safe haven and financial support to an Iraqi who has admitted to mixing the chemicals for the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. We know from IIS documents that Saddam Hussein agreed to Osama bin Laden's request to broadcast anti-Saudi propaganda on Iraqi state-run television. We know from IIS documents that a "trusted confidante" of bin Laden stayed for more than two weeks at a posh Baghdad hotel as the guest of the Iraqi Intelligence Service.

Abu Nidal, September 11 and Saddam The terrorist network may be closer knit than we think.

Weekly Standard: The Mother of All Connections

The Saddam-Al Qaeda Links: In Photos and Video (MUST SEE)

List of newspaper article in the 90's which mention the world's concern regarding the growing relationship between OBL and Saddam:

Click here

Son of Saddam coordinates OBL activities:

Click here

The AQ connection (excellent):

Click here

Western Nightmare:

Click here

Saddam's link to OBL:

Click here

NYT: Iraq and AQ agree to cooperate:

Click here

Document linking them:

Click here

Iraq and terrorism - no doubt about it:

Click here

A federal judge rules there are links:

Click here

Wall Street Journal on Iraq and AQ:

Click here

Iraq and Iran contact OBL:

Click here

More evidence:

Click here

Saddam's AQ connection:

Click here

Further connections:

Click here

What a court of law said about the connections:

Click here

Some miscellaneous stuff on connections:

Click here

Saddam's Ambassador to Al Qaeda: (February 2004, Weekly Standard)

Click here

Yes - it's NewsMax but loaded with interesting bullet points.

Click here

Saddam's Fingerprints on NY Bombing (Wall Street Journal, June 1993)

Click here

Colin Powell: Iraq and AQ Partners for Years (CNN, February 2003)

Click here

The Iraq-Al Qaeda Connections (September 2003, Richard Miniter)

Click here

Oil for Food Scandal Ties Iraq and Al Qaeda (June 2003)

Click here

Saddam and OBL Make a Pact (The New Yorker, February 2003):

Click here

Al Qaeda's Poison Gas (Wall Street Journal, April 2004):

Click here

Wolfowitz Says Saddam behind 9/11 Attacks:

Click here

Saddam behind first WTC attack - PBS, Laurie Mylroie:

Click here

Growing Evidence of Saddam and Al Qaeda Link, The Weekly Standard, July 2003:

Click here

Qusay Hussein Coordinated Iraq special operations with Bin Laden Terrorist Activities, Yossef Bodansky, National Press Club

Click here

The Western Nightmare: Saddam and Bin Laden vs. the Rest of the World, The Guardian Unlimited:

Click here

Saddam Link to Bin Laden, Julian Borger, The Guardian, February 1999

Click here

The Al Qaeda Connection, The Weekly Standard, July 2003

Click here

Cheney lectures Russert on Iraq/911 Link, September 2003:

Click here

No Question About It, National Review, September 2003

Click here

Iraq: A Federal Judges Point of View

Click here

Mohammed's Account links Iraq to 9/11 and OKC:

Click here

Free Republic Thread that mentions some books Freepers might be interested in on this topic:

Click here

The Proof that Saddam Worked with AQ, The Telegraph, April 2003:

Click here

Saddam's AQ Connection, The Weekly Standard, September 2003

Click here

September 11 Victims Sue Iraq:

Click here

Osama's Best Friend: The Further Connections Between Al Qaeda and Saddam, The Weekly Standard, November 2003

Click here

Terrorist Behind 9/11 Attacks Trained by Saddam, The Telegraph, December 2003

Click here

James Woolsey Links Iraq and AQ, CNN Interview, March 2004, Also see Posts #34 and #35

Click here

A Geocities Interesting Web Site with maps and connections:

Click here

Bin Laden indicted in federal court, read down to find information that Bin Laden agreed to not attack Iraq and to work cooperatively with Iraq:

Click here

Case Closed, The Weekly Standard, November 03

Click here

CBS - Lawsuit: Iraq involved in 9/11:

Click here

Exploring Iraq's Involvement in pre-9/11 Acts, The Indianapolis Star:

Click here

The Iraq/AQ Connection: Richard Minister again

Click here

Militia Defector says Baghdad trained Al Qaeda fighters in chemical weapons, July 2002

Click here

The Clinton View of Iraq/AQ Ties, The Weekly Standard, December 2003

Click here

Saddam Controlled the Camps (Iraq/AQ Ties): The London Observer, November 01

Click here

Saddam's Terror Ties that Critics Ignore, National Review, October 2003:

Click here

Tape Shows General Wesley Clark linking Iraq and AQ:

Click here

The Missing Link (What the Senate Ingelligence Report Said about Iraq/AQ Connections)

Click Here

Credit to Peach for the above info.

Credit to joesbucks for the following links:

Dozens of links here:

Click here

Just a few of those links include:

The Clinton Justice Department's indictment against OBL in federal court which mentions the terrorist's connections to Iraq. November 4, 1998. The federal indictment:

Click here

Iraq and AQ agree to cooperate. The federal indictment against OBL working in concert with Iraq and Iran is mentioned. November 1998. The New York Times

Click here

Saddam reaching out to OBL January 1, 1999. Newsweek

Click here

ABC news reports on the Osama/Saddam connections January 14, 1999. ABC News

Click here

Western Nightmare: Saddam and OBL versus the World. Iraq recruited OBL. February 6, 1999. The Guardian

Click here

Saddam's Link to OBL February 6, 1999. The Guardian

Click here

Saddam offered asylum to bin Laden February 13, 1999. AP

Click here

Video coverage from drzz:

Saddam- Al Qaeda VIDEOS library (MUST SEE)

And kabar submitted these two little gems showing Bin Laden supported Iraq and its struggle against the US and the West.

1996 Fatwa: "Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places."

1998 Text of Fatwah Urging Jihad Against Americans

4 posted on 03/08/2010 8:36:09 AM PST by ravingnutter
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To: All

This thread is a treasure trove of info. Thanks for all of the contributions.

7 posted on 03/08/2010 9:14:05 AM PST by JerseyDvl (The Obama Doctrine in 6 words - Embolden Enemies, Abandon Allies, WEAKEN AMERICA.)
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To: aquapub


11 posted on 03/08/2010 10:05:39 AM PST by COUNTrecount (Barry...above his poi grade.)
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To: aquapub


12 posted on 03/08/2010 10:15:10 AM PST by Hillbillary (I know how to deal with Communists, I still wear their scars on my back from Hollywood-Ronald Reagan)
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