REHAB DOESN’T WORK!!!! Castration will!!!!!!!!!
Castration will not work...Lobotomy maybe....single shot through the heart...definitely.
Castration either doesn't mean what you think it means or it won't do what you think it will.
Snipping off the testicles will remove any chance of procreation but it won't stop the urges to rape and it won't prevent penetration because it won't stop an erection.
Even if you did pull a John Wayne BOBBIT, the urges to rape and maim will continue with inanimate objects. The only sure way to prevent this kind of sicko from ever again committing such an atrocity is a bullet to the brain.
Castration only prevents penile penetration during a rape and somewhat diminishes the sex drive. Foreign objects can still be used as well as fingers/fists/oral sex and even feet. Pedophilia is mental as well as a physical desire castration does not address the mental urges or desire for children.
Castration should be performed however, without anesthesia, prior to a pedophiles execution.