After a little practice in criminal court, its time to go to your favorite mall or even a busy street corner. Find a spot from which you can watch people. Then repeat the exercise, only this time your picking out the bad guys from the general population. See how easy it gets to BE ALERT once you know what to look for.
~Oh, I see bad guys even when they are not there! LOL, my kids had a running joke, YOU are suspicious of EVERYONE! But THAT kept my daughter when she was 3 from being stolen at Woodfield Mall! Same creep did in fact take a little girl from there a week later! Dressed as a Grandma!
I’ve never been in a criminal court..or court for anything so what’s the difference between the courts? Do you just walk in? or how would you approcah this. I sense I’m nieve on the matter of courts...(dah)