Well, be fair, thay did after they broke on bigguberment and Beck.
I asked how many stories broke on Rush & Hannity? That is my point. But for Beck and Big Government breaking these stories, Rush & Hannity wouldn’t have had the information to cover.
Rush & Hannity are huge? Why are they still carrying the water for the GOP instead of doing the deep digging and research others are doing that breaks on Glen Beck’s show?
Hannity is too busy interviewing McLame on his show on a DAILY basis, and sitting in a circle jerk with Bob Beckel to bother actually teaching us anything.
Among the main TV/Radio puntits to include Rush, Hannity and Beck, Beck is my foremost source of factual information with Michael Savage being second.
Rush will go on for 3 hours espousing about one single inane topic without teaching me a single new thing. He is great to listen to and I do learn from him, but the rate at which I learn from Glen Beck far outpaces all of the others combined.
I think he is indispensable. He can also be very wrong, so I cull his claims.