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To: bogusname

The layers of judicial insulation must be ripped away from those serving in government, from the Whitey House down to the lowest position of political servitude,i.e., Monica Lewinsky types.

First, we need to get a constitutional amendment that no more than 1/4 of those serving in congress can have ever been a lawyer.

Second, Outlaw political careers in fed gov. Anyone who seeks to serve more than three terms, is said to be making a career in politics at the federal level and will not be allowed to seek reelection for a fourth term for the seat he now holds, but may seek election to another seat, i.e., go from house to Senate or the other way, or the Presidency.

Third, Shift the aura of power from the centralized location of DC to Topeka Ks for no more that 30 years, then shift it to Wyoming for no more than 30 years, and on and on till you hit all fifty states. Once Power is removed from DC, make it a memorial city of the history of the US, the arts and science.

Fourth, No one party can pass laws that are binding on US citizens and the states the reside in.

Fifth, It shall be illegal for the Whitey House to solicit news media for any purpose other than to announce its itinerary of upcoming events and speeches.

Sixth, It shall be illegal for the Whitey House to solicit big or small business to join it in pursuing policy initiatives.

When the Republicans start sounding more like what I just described, then maybe I’ll send them some money.

23 posted on 02/22/2010 7:20:26 AM PST by dps.inspect
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To: dps.inspect
Third, Shift the aura of power from the centralized location of DC to Topeka Ks for no more that 30 years, then shift it to Wyoming for no more than 30 years, and on and on till you hit all fifty states. Once Power is removed from DC, make it a memorial city of the history of the US, the arts and science.

Someone on FR commented a while back that with the technology now available, all Senators and Representatives should permanently reside and vote from their home districts. All conferencing, voting, etc, can be done via phone, the Internet, or other technological means. That way, they are right there among their constituents.
It sounds like a great idea to me.
87 posted on 02/23/2010 9:09:53 PM PST by FreedomOfExpression
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