Posted on 02/15/2010 12:02:10 AM PST by ErnstStavroBlofeld
Riki Ellison, Chairman and Founder of the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA), released a statement today regarding the revolutionary airborne laser intercept test at Point Mugu, California last night. His comments and observations are the following. Ellison is one of the top lay experts in the field of missile defense in the world.
"Late last night, the Airborne Laser (ABL) now called the Airborne Laser Test Bed (ALTB), a Boeing-747 modified to carry a chemical based mega watt laser weapon system, successfully intercepted and destroyed two short-range ballistic missiles, one liquid fueled Scud like missile and one solid fueled U.S. target, off the Ventura coast of California at Point Mugu Air Station, the first one at 12:44 A.M. EST and the second one an hour later. The ABL used the speed of light lasers with multiple beams to target, track, intercept and destroy the ballistic missiles within seconds in the boost phase of the ballistic missiles flights."
"These intercepts by a laser on an air based platform are a historic technical and engineering revolution. It is a technology game-changer that gives the United States a real proven capability that is air mobile, can target, track and intercept multiple targets in seconds, cost efficient and reusable. There are no other proven systems in the world today or in the near future that can shoot down boosting ballistic missiles. The United States leads the world on this revolutionary technology."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The United States leads the world on this revolutionary technology.”
All the more reason for Obama to cut it off at the knees.
Disproportional Response and all that.
Zer0 is a traitor.
What the people in the Obama administration don’t actually stop while in office, they will compromise when the leave the administration. Never in American history have more enemies of America had access to its most important secrets.
“President Obama and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates had cut the ABL program from the FY2010 Missile Defense Budget.”
Anyone surprised by this action by Obama crippling of a now proven US military technological advantage is an idiot. Of course Obama wants to kill this program. The last thing he wants is for the US to be strong...
Anyone know from what distance?
We’ll see secret funding to keep these programs active.
I do not think that they would release that. It would be classified.
You can. The Air Force can use its “black” budget.
Isn’t there something rather ironic about using a black budget to do an end run on Obama? LOL
Good luck challenging this moron to anything.
Obama and others of his ilk oppose wars, regardless of how just, and defense spending because they perceive the costs of such aqctivities rob their sacred, vote getting welfare programs.
It would be important, and yes, its almost certainly classified. 200 miles would be wonderful; 2 miles would be not so wonderful.
If anyone thinks he oposes wars then they have not been paying attention. Wars sometimes are fought without weapons that make noise and break things. My point is we are in a war right now for our survival as a country in the vision of its founders. The sorry thing is wars like that have this nasty habit of becoming very loud with things becoming broken.
Well see secret funding to keep these programs active.
Perhaps, but the program has no funding request for 2011 -— $0 dollars.
It’s not that they are not paying attention because they are. Obama has said, and mind he taught constitutional law, that our founding fathers left out any thought of economic equality. The socialists are paying attention and are steadily and deliberately undermining our constitution and our market economy. Do pay any attention to Obama’s denials of being anti free market, but let his actions dictate your opinion.
Do not fear, no paulianish views here.
The funding is there. It is under civilian R&D blanket but USAF monitors and controls it as mil has always done..
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