Well in this case the link was me and I do not have a website.
I do research and have had a bit of my research published on this issue. You can purchase Jennings “Respect for All” like i had to do if you want to verify for yourself. I have been very vocal about GLSEN and Jennings and the “books” he pushes. In my earlier post I give you the book titles and the page numbers. If you need further verification, and I don’t blame you, you can purchase the books. You can google the Seattle Times, Seattle Post Intelligencer, The New York Times, Seattle Gay News, GLSEN etc to verify that I have worked on this issue here in Seattle.
I see.
What I’ve seen some people do in that case is put down *self* as the source.
You do want to be careful about compromising your screen name, though, if that’s a concern to you.
I don’t doubt what you posted and I don’t have any reason to. It was just an observation that that is one of the reasons for posting links.
Again, it’s a good thread and needs to be seen. Thanks for posting it.