“Another idiot who would like americans to be less productive by keeping disfunctional manufacturing jobs here in the states just so corporations could employ people.”
I’m trying to figure out what is wrong with having jobs in this country so that people could be employed.
Isn’t this how most people pay the mortgage and put food on the table? What about you, are you a trust fund baby?
No problem having jobs, but do we want to keep making buggy whips? Labor intensive jobs have left for two factors. Competitive forces and human labor costs in the final product and a new generation that is averse to working in factories. The American labor force cannot be rigid to one job type. You must improvise and be able to be retrained for alternative jobs.There is no choice in that. Gone are the days when you could walk into the door of the Rambler auto company and expect to work there for 25 years. The names of companies that no longer are could fill a Manhattan phone book.