“There are rules to follow if you want to be a part of this great country.” Sarah Said.
Supporting immigration BY THE RULES is NOT a bad thing.
Everything else in the article is hyperbole based on a premise that she somehow favors illegals, which is absolutely WRONG.
“There are rules to follow if you want to be a part of this great country. Sarah Said.
Supporting immigration BY THE RULES is NOT a bad thing.
Everything else in the article is hyperbole based on a premise that she somehow favors illegals, which is absolutely WRONG.”
Okay, how do you square her statements that she is against deportation AND workplace enforcement? THAT is the law.
Palin: Well, the unfortunate thing of course about the raids is that it does affect the families involved here. Parents and children are separated and thats tragic.
Sarah Palin: There is no way that in the US we would roundup every illegal immigrant - there are about 12 million of the illegal immigrants - not only economically is that just an impossibility but thats not a humane way anyway to deal with the issue that we face with illegal immigration.”