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Run, Larry, Run (A Kudlow challenge to Chuck Schumer would expose his ruinous economics)
National Review ^
| 02/02/2010
| Michael Knox Beran
Posted on 02/02/2010 6:54:45 AM PST by SeekAndFind
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To: Kansas58
Whether or not TARP was both necessary and sufficient to prevent economic collapse is something only time will tell. I happen to disagree that it was. Strongly.
posted on
02/02/2010 9:43:27 AM PST
Notary Sojac
("Goldman Sachs" is to "US economy" as "lamprey" is to "lake trout")
To: Defiant
Larry quit coke before Barry did, so he should be ok on that front.
Larry's alcoholism and past drug use will NOT be an issue. He's been upfront about it for years even in his radio program ( which I listen to every Saturday on WABC ).
I'd like to see Kudlow attack Schumer on the MERITS of the later's economic policies and Schumer maybe going after him about his past alcoholism. We'll see who eventually wins with this scenario.
To: SeekAndFind
New York politicians are even less used to confronting intelligent opposition than Massachusetts ones. A Kudlow challenge would force Schumer to defend not merely the greasy deal-making hes abetted in Washington, but the ruinous economic calculus of the policies his deals are meant to prop up. It would be a fascinating and enlightening spectacle.Sen. Chuck Schumer's approval rating continues to slide
posted on
02/02/2010 10:45:50 AM PST
(Xin loi minh oi)
To: SeekAndFind
Kudlow is awesome on many levels. He sucks on immigration and the power off the Fed. that said, he is WAAYYYYYYYY better than Schumer. It's like Brown in Mass or Christie in NJ-are they perfect-no. But, the nation is pulled a little back to the right by eliminating the far left one by one.
Fight like hell for the consertive in the primary, and then back the winner in the general. Incrementalism works.
posted on
02/02/2010 12:04:13 PM PST
(O is going to get his candy ass kicked by a girl. Go Sarah.)
To: IAmNotAnAnimal
There will be plenty of candidates on the ballot. It is not an either or — that's how we end up with the stinking RINOs in Washington. Conservative long enough to cash the checks from the local and national parties — then once in office vote for whatever you feel like? Kudlow will have to earn it; an (R) next to his name will not immediately guarantee my vote.
posted on
02/02/2010 2:06:23 PM PST
(Why vote Democrat Lite?)
To: SeekAndFind
Larry would be a fantastic candidate — about as smart and articulate as any one could imagine. Yes, he lives in CT but he’s been working in NYC for decades and probably has a second home there so establishing residence wouldn’t be an issue. And let the Dems bring up his personal issues — he’s addressed those forthrightly with his conversion to Christianity... another redemption story. And who are the Dems to bring up personal issues.
Go for it, Larry! We need your leadership... We need some Kudlow 101!
posted on
02/02/2010 2:26:00 PM PST
("The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.")
To: SeekAndFind
If Larry doesn’t run, the least I could hope for is that Fox Business makes him an outrageous offer. I love listening to LK on the radio... I don’t watch CNBC anymore.
posted on
02/02/2010 3:26:21 PM PST
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