Posted on 01/20/2010 6:56:13 PM PST by Lorianne
Amidst the innumerable excuses we're bound to hear for Martha Coakley's defeat, credit Keith Olbermann with likely the most loathsome. The Countdown host would explain away the Scott Brown victory by accusing his supporters of . . . racism.
HOWARD FINEMAN: ... I think for most of the American people race is no respect a part of the equation. Maybe not in Massachusetts but maybe in some places there are codes, there are images, there are pick-up trucks. You can say there's a racial aspect --
OLBERMANN: O-o-o-f. What were the Scott Brown ads, though? Every one of the Scott Brown ads had him in a pick-up truck.
FINEMAN: That's why I mentioned pick-up trucks. My mind goes back to Fred Thompson down in Tennessee.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
That’s rich. ‘Overbite’ doesn’t even DRIVE. LMAO!
Personally, I think Olbermann is a closet racist.
Among the other things he’s in the closet about . . .
KO will be a special specimen for brain doctors when he leaves this earth....
Hey Olbie. Blame Teddy. If he hadn’t up and died you wouldn’t be having this conversation.
I have a hybrid suv & a pick up..I’m obviously having some kind of redneck yuppie racist climate change issues. Olbie-won, help me.
That’s funny.
I see black guys, and Hispanics, and even Asians driving pickups everyday. Sometimes wearing cowboy hats. Sometimes with Union bumber stickers on them. Oh, and women. I seem women driving pickup trucks too.
I guess they’re all self-loathing, self-hating racists and sexists?
Olbermann is a strange combination of Lewis Carroll characters, speaking randomly or using odd logic to reach conclusions.
Dear Mr. Olbermann:
I have to admit it. I was worried that the left might refrain from their old habit of assigning the usual evil motives to political opponents such as racism, misogyny, and homophobia, among many others. If those on the progressive bandwagon were to only put aside their hysteria and debate issues like rational human beings, rather than feeding their own bitter rage, they might actually be persuasive to those sitting on the fence. The Democrats may not be in the political peril in which they find themselves today. Your tirades against Senator-elect Scott Brown reassured me, however. I am pleased that as the rage from malcontents like yourself continues to spew forth, the politicians with whom you share political philosophy find themselves losing more power each day, and your ratings continue to dwindle.
For this relief, much thanks.
Best regards,
(Read Olbermann quote out loud, then click on picture.)
Choke on it...
I suppose then driving a Prius means you’re a liberal elite snob know-it-all.
Who said the “days of the big SUVs and pick up trucks is over”? (Hint: It starts with B)
But it's Japanese... do I get a racial offset?
“Doesn’t drive because of a loss of depth perception caused by a head injury. In 1980, he hit his head on the top of a subway door while running into the waiting car.”
OMG, I saw an African-American man parking his truck in the parking garage today, and he was wearing a suit!!! He works and drives a truck!! So he must be a racist against himself!
These progressive morons are getting more and more ridiculous everyday, they are becoming nothing more than a joke, a bad joke at that.
wow.... now THAT explains everything. Massive Headwound Harry
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