It would be easier to purge the GOP of every last socialist RINO than to get a new startup party into a position of competency.
Purge the GOP of RINOs! Start in your local and state parties! Radicalize the GOP! Your motivation is the fact that everything you care about hinges on us being successful in this effort. Through the organization and infrastructure of that party we will either reclaim this nation in its entirety or we will start a new one out of the pieces of the old.
If America does not repent and find a way of extracting the illegal alien we have living in the White House it's screwed. Plain and simple.
You are correct! Become a PC-Precinct Committeeman within the Republican party, get rid of the RINOS. My TEA party group is doing just that. As a result of this effort we stopped McCain and Flake from taking all the Republican party money and using it to elect the incumbents in 2010. (They tried to say that the “incumbents” are so popular just give them all the money and re-elect them.)