Eagles not vultures.
One of Alinsky’s rules for radicals was: a way to discredit an establishment group was to hold them to their own standards, because they cannot live up to the the standards they claim to believe in.
Well I say, discredit liberals by holding them to PC standards, because they cannot live up to them.
Conservatives are supposed to take the long view. Evidently this is something Republicans are incapable of.
If this is a premonition of things to come then if/when Republicans regain power they will once again return to the short term behavior of ear marks and kowtowing to lobbyists, rather than looking to the long term future of America.
“Reids apercu was artlessly delivered.”
Hammm...wasn’t “artlessly” the same word the Flap-Eared Socialist used when talking about Reid’s goof? Maybe it was “inartful”, but it was something close...makes me wonder where this author gets his inspiration.
Let’s not be cute about this - Reid is stupid, racist, and utterly harmful to the country. He needs to be taken down by any means necessary and if those are the means the Dems have gleefully employed for so long, so much the better. Frankly, I don’t have any objection to the fact that it may be unfair. This sort of thing nearly always is, and it nearly always is employed against conservatives. Welcome to the club, Harry. There’s a really big tent for the unemployed here and we have plenty of room for you.