Let’s not be cute about this - Reid is stupid, racist, and utterly harmful to the country. He needs to be taken down by any means necessary and if those are the means the Dems have gleefully employed for so long, so much the better. Frankly, I don’t have any objection to the fact that it may be unfair. This sort of thing nearly always is, and it nearly always is employed against conservatives. Welcome to the club, Harry. There’s a really big tent for the unemployed here and we have plenty of room for you.
I agree with Laskin - they’re buying into the pc game that favours the liberals. Its the Republicans who are presenting themselves as the enforcers of liberal standards.
If the truth is no defense, then we do not any longer live in a free country, period. And if there is no political party or movement in this country willing to defend that principle, then we are already very far gone.