My point is that you don’t know but what the news organizations you mention HAVE sent investigators to look for evidence. They very well may have, and may be doing so now. You will never know unless they find enough provable information to go public.
You say they’ve had 2 years. Sure. So have all 0’s political opponents, including the GOP. We’ve all looked and looked, and we’ve found smoke, but not the fire.
Someone has done a masterful job of scrubbing this man’s past. I’m convinced that there is still evidence out there, but it has yet to turn up.
Everybody wants somebody else to find it. The real fault here is with the Republican Party leadership, which didn’t believe until too late that 0 could win the nomination over Hillary. By that time, his record was scrubbed. They were ready for a Clinton nomination, blindsided when the newcomer got it.
If this guy is the imposter that many of us suspect him to be, it would be the story of a lifetime. Any professional journalist would love to have it. But they can’t go public with mere rumor and speculation. Until there are provable facts and evidence nailed down, you’re not going to see it on air or in print.
There are people looking. I think the day will come.
Eggs ackley! And the festering agitprops are not going to turn some of us off the trail ridiculing in the name of ‘stop wasting your time’.
well I hope it’s soon as this country is changing like he said he would do and it’s not for the best .