Almost 2/3s of murders are gang bangers etc killing each other
Not sure how gun sales lower that number
I agree about the gang murders.
I think the point is that gang members murders of those of us who are armed citizens is down.
If more average Joes walking down the street might be packing, an "urban youth" might be a bit more circumspect about popping a cap in one of the rival community organizers.
More guns among the general law-abiding population means that fewer criminals want to publicly commit any faux pas that might cause a citizen to chastise him with an application of lead.
Remember the three requirements for a crime: Means, motive and opportunity.
A more heavily armed general population reduces opportunity, thus a lower crime rate.
Recorded gun sales are transacted between law abiding citizens and licensed dealers.
Therefore, there can’t be any correlation between recorded gun sales and criminal activity.