To: DesertRhino
We had some recycled paper towels in the washroom at work once that literally smelled like s—t when wetted. Was fine for hand drying other than that. Wouldn’t even want to think about using that stuff as toilet paper though - way too rough.
83 posted on
12/17/2009 1:17:59 PM PST by
(Strong like bull, smart like ox.)
To: -YYZ-
95% of all towels are made from recycled material. What you got was a batch of towels that when the paper was being formed the chemical mix, controlled by a computer get messed up.
It is very rare that you get the odor problem you're talking about, I probably saw it 4 or 5 times in 35 years. The best thing is to call your distributor, tell him to pick up the cases and replace them. The manufacture will get the codes off the cases and findout what happened, but it's no biggy.
94 posted on
12/17/2009 1:41:18 PM PST by
Recon Dad
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