To: smokingfrog
How fitting: As we move from soft tyranny to hard tyranny, we move from soft TP to hard TP.
I was told by a friend who experienced the Castro takeover, that a good early sign of Marxism is that normal TP disappears.
50 posted on
12/17/2009 12:44:39 PM PST by
(A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have)
To: C210N
How fitting: As we move from soft tyranny to hard tyranny, we move from soft TP to hard TP. I was told by a friend who experienced the Castro takeover, that a good early sign of Marxism is that normal TP disappears.
I just posted to someone else that when toilet paper is a luxury and not a commodity, the socialist ideal has been achieved.
131 posted on
12/17/2009 8:56:42 PM PST by
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