To: Springman; MeekOneGOP; Conspiracy Guy; DocRock; King Prout; Darksheare; OSHA; martin_fierro; ...
Fine. I'll wipe my *** with a spotted owl.
122 posted on
12/17/2009 6:39:05 PM PST by
Slings and Arrows
("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
To: Slings and Arrows
Baby harp seals and very young polar bear cubs work well too.
137 posted on
12/18/2009 6:49:18 AM PST by
(No more global baloneyism!! -- Jim Thompson!)
To: Slings and Arrows
Global Climate Change isn’t about saving the planet, it is about reducing the Americans’ standard of living, comrade.
This crap ends NOW.
139 posted on
12/18/2009 7:56:53 AM PST by
a fool in paradise
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