It’s a tragedy. His children losing their father and from what I read, he had finally turned things around. He was not associating the same people. He seemed to finally be on a path to success and away from the criminal element. As a lifelong Bengal fan I am saddened today by this news.
And while we’re at it....let’s pray that Tiger keeps his cell phone to himself.
There is redemption for everyone. This is a sad tale of tragic loss. Hopefully, a wake up call for others.
Do you view major public fights with the mother of his children to be on the path to success?
As a lifelong Steeler fan, I am too. It is human nature I think, that when things go wrong, and bad things befall us, we find it easy to get on our knees and beg God not to give us more than we can handle. However, when good fortune smiles upon us, and we are blessed with gifts and successes, it never occurs to us that maybe we ought to do the same thing, and beg God not to give us more than we can deall with.
A quick look at professional sports, hollywood and the music world is all one needs to realize that too much success poorly managed is potentially every bit as disastrous as any series of tragedies.