I have been advocating Sarah start a program to get herself ready for 2012. Here are some of the things she needs to do IMO.
1. Start a program that gets her up to speed on foreign affairs.
2. Take trips to foreign nations and meet with world leaders.
3. Read heavily books that cover historic world affairs.
4. Study debate tactics, and participate in mach debates frequently. Learn the tricks that allow you to defuse just about any question, or turn it back on the questioner.
5. Prepare position statements on about every aspect of political affairs. When a person asks you a question you knew was coming, have the precise response ready.
The Left is going to try to frame her as inexperienced and naive. She will either shoot that down early on, or she will pay heavily for missteps.
I have said I think her instincts are good. I do think she can develop into a person who will prevent others from exploiting weaknesses. When she does, she’s going to be a formidable candidate.
Acting like she is a formidable candidate now, and doesn’t need to prepare, is the one thing that could cost her the presidency, or obtain it not truly being ready.
The last thing we want, is someone from our side to reach the Oval office, not being ready.
People who lean Conservative can make mistakes too. I want to avoid those as much as possible, so the brand is not tarnished again.
This may make it sound like I’m being unfair. I don’t think I am. Who didn’t see Palin being asked about support for John McCain at some point. It was probably one of the most likely questions she was going to be asked, and I don’t believe this is evidence of her being ready.
I don’t want to see this type of thing again. I doubt you do either.
LOL. I see your comments posted twice. I hate it when that happens.
Give me a little time to reply. It’s lunchtime here and I also want to find some links for you that I think you will find interesting!
I’ll be back within the hour.
post #74 by redpoll (I love his comments).
I can tell by your thoughtful list that you also want the very best for her. I hope your list and suggestions won't be misunderstood or considered condescending by anyone here because I know you've offered them in earnest and only with Sarah's best interests in mind. I'm pretty sure Sarah herself is giving serious thought to several items you listed and I hope she's thought about mastering debates. She blew Biden away on style, but not entirely on substance. I firmly believe she could have on substance too, but again, her "managers" didn't trust her.
You said, Who didnt see Palin being asked about support for John McCain at some point. It was probably one of the most likely questions she was going to be asked, and I dont believe this is evidence of her being ready.
D1, trouble is, she wasn't asked. She was asked about why she marked out his name on her cap. Thus far today, the issue isn't making the news. It may very well be much ado about nothing.